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bbartling committed Aug 29, 2024
1 parent c0143fd commit 95ff6f5
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Showing 5 changed files with 905 additions and 404 deletions.
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions examples/brick_model_and_sqlite/
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import sqlite3
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, Namespace, RDF, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS, XSD

# Step 1: Set up RDF graph
g = Graph()
brick = Namespace("")
unit = Namespace("")
ref = Namespace("")
g.bind("brick", brick)
g.bind("unit", unit)
g.bind("ref", ref)

# Step 2: Connect to SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect("brick_timeseries.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Step 3: Retrieve timeseries metadata from SQLite database
cursor.execute("SELECT timeseries_id, stored_at FROM TimeseriesReference")
timeseries_refs = cursor.fetchall()

# Define the database URI
database_uri = URIRef("")
g.add((database_uri, RDF.type, ref.Database))
Literal("SQLite Timeseries Storage", datatype=XSD.string),
Literal("sqlite:///brick_timeseries.db", datatype=XSD.string),

# Step 4: Build RDF model based on the timeseries references
unique_sensors = set() # To track and avoid redundancy
ahu_uris = {} # To track and associate sensors with AHUs

# List of specific identifiers related to AHU points
ahu_related_identifiers = ["SaStaticSPt", "SaStatic", "SaFanSpeedAO"]

for timeseries_id, stored_at in timeseries_refs:
timeseries_id = timeseries_id.strip() # Remove any leading/trailing spaces

# Only process the timeseries if it matches one of the AHU-related identifiers
if any(identifier in timeseries_id for identifier in ahu_related_identifiers):
sensor_uri = URIRef(f"{timeseries_id.replace(' ', '_')}")

if timeseries_id in unique_sensors:
continue # Skip if this sensor has already been processed

# Determine the AHU to which the sensor belongs (assuming it's part of the ID)
ahu_name = timeseries_id.split("_")[0] # Assuming format like 'AHU1_...'
if ahu_name not in ahu_uris:
ahu_uris[ahu_name] = URIRef(f"{ahu_name}")
g.add((ahu_uris[ahu_name], RDF.type, brick.Air_Handling_Unit))

# Adjust sensor type and unit based on sensor name
if "StaticSPt" in timeseries_id:
g.add((sensor_uri, RDF.type, brick.Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Setpoint))
g.add((sensor_uri, brick.hasUnit, unit.Inch_Water_Column))
print("StaticSPt added: ", sensor_uri)
elif "SaStatic" in timeseries_id:
g.add((sensor_uri, RDF.type, brick.Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Sensor))
g.add((sensor_uri, brick.hasUnit, unit.Inch_Water_Column))
print("SaStatic added: ", sensor_uri)
elif "SaFanSpeedAO" in timeseries_id:
g.add((sensor_uri, RDF.type, brick.Supply_Fan_VFD_Speed_Sensor))
g.add((sensor_uri, brick.hasUnit, unit.Percent))
print("SaFanSpeedAO added: ", sensor_uri)

# Associate the sensor with the AHU
g.add((ahu_uris[ahu_name], brick.hasPoint, sensor_uri))

timeseries_ref_uri = URIRef(
f"{timeseries_id.replace(' ', '_')}"
g.add((timeseries_ref_uri, RDF.type, ref.TimeseriesReference))
Literal(timeseries_id, datatype=XSD.string),
g.add((timeseries_ref_uri, ref.storedAt, database_uri))
g.add((sensor_uri, ref.hasExternalReference, timeseries_ref_uri))

# Step 5: Serialize the graph to Turtle format
g.serialize("brick_model_with_timeseries.ttl", format="turtle")

# Close the connection

print("RDF model created and saved to 'brick_model_with_timeseries.ttl'.")
187 changes: 187 additions & 0 deletions examples/brick_model_and_sqlite/
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@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace
import time
from open_fdd.air_handling_unit.faults import FaultConditionOne

"Supply_Fan_VFD_Speed_Sensor", # BRICK formatted column name

# Minimal config dict just for fc1
config_dict_template = {
"INDEX_COL_NAME": "timestamp",
"DUCT_STATIC_COL": "Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Sensor",
"DUCT_STATIC_SETPOINT_COL": "Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Setpoint",
"SUPPLY_VFD_SPEED_COL": "Supply_Fan_VFD_Speed_Sensor",

def load_rdf_graph(file_path):
print("Loading RDF graph...")
g = Graph()
g.parse(file_path, format="turtle")
return g

def run_sparql_query(graph):
print("Running SPARQL query...")
query = """
PREFIX brick: <>
PREFIX ref: <>
SELECT ?ahu ?sensorType ?sensor WHERE {
?ahu brick:hasPoint ?sensor .
?sensor a ?sensorType .
FILTER (?sensorType IN (brick:Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Sensor, brick:Supply_Air_Static_Pressure_Setpoint, brick:Supply_Fan_VFD_Speed_Sensor))
return graph.query(query)

def extract_sensor_data(query_result):
print("SPARQL query completed. Checking results...")
sensor_data = {}
for row in query_result:
ahu = str(row.ahu).split("/")[-1]
sensor_type = str(row.sensorType).split("#")[-1]
sensor_data.setdefault(ahu, {})[sensor_type] = row.sensor
print(f"Found sensor for {ahu}: {sensor_type} -> {row.sensor}")
return sensor_data

def retrieve_timeseries_data(sensor_data, conn):
dfs = []
for ahu, sensors in sensor_data.items():
print(f"Querying SQLite for AHU: {ahu}")
df_ahu = None
for sensor_type, sensor_uri in sensors.items():
sensor_id = sensor_uri.split("/")[-1]
print(f"Querying SQLite for sensor: {sensor_id} of type: {sensor_type}")
sql_query = """
SELECT timestamp, value
FROM TimeseriesData
WHERE sensor_name = ?
df_sensor = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query, conn, params=(sensor_id,))
if df_sensor.empty:
f"No data found for sensor: {sensor_type} with sensor_id: {sensor_id}"
f"Data found for sensor: {sensor_type}, number of records: {len(df_sensor)}"
df_sensor = df_sensor.rename(columns={"value": sensor_type})
if df_ahu is None:
df_ahu = df_sensor.set_index("timestamp")
df_ahu = pd.merge(
if df_ahu is not None:
dfs.append((ahu, df_ahu))
return dfs

def convert_floats(df, columns):
for column in columns:
df[column] = df[column] / 100.0
return df

def run_fault_one(config_dict, df):
fc1 = FaultConditionOne(config_dict)
df = fc1.apply(df)
print(f"Total faults detected: {df['fc1_flag'].sum()}")
return df

def update_fault_flags_in_db(df, conn, batch_size=1000):
cursor = conn.cursor()
update_data = [(int(row["fc1_flag"]), index) for index, row in df.iterrows()]

start_time = time.time()
print("Starting batch update...")

for i in range(0, len(update_data), batch_size):
print(f"Doing batch {i}")
batch = update_data[i : i + batch_size]
UPDATE TimeseriesData
SET fc1_flag = ?
WHERE timestamp = ?

elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
minutes, seconds = divmod(elapsed_time, 60)
f"Batch {i//batch_size + 1} completed: {len(batch)} records updated in {int(minutes)} minutes and {int(seconds)} seconds"

print("Batch update completed.")
total_records = len(update_data)
total_time = time.time() - start_time
records_per_minute = total_records / (total_time / 60)
print(f"Total records updated: {total_records}")
f"Total time taken: {int(total_time // 60)} minutes and {int(total_time % 60)} seconds"
print(f"Records per minute: {records_per_minute:.2f}")

def main():
# Step 1: Load the RDF graph from the Turtle file
g = load_rdf_graph("brick_model_with_timeseries.ttl")

# Step 2: Run SPARQL query to find AHUs and their sensors
rdf_result = run_sparql_query(g)

# Step 3: Extract sensor data from SPARQL query result
sensor_data = extract_sensor_data(rdf_result)

# Step 4: Connect to SQLite database
print("Connecting to SQLite database...")
conn = sqlite3.connect("brick_timeseries.db")

# Step 5: Retrieve timeseries data from the database for each AHU
ahu_dataframes = retrieve_timeseries_data(sensor_data, conn)

# Process each AHU separately
for ahu, df_combined in ahu_dataframes:
print(f"Processing data for AHU: {ahu}")

if df_combined is not None:
# Step 6: Convert analog outputs to floats
df_combined = convert_floats(df_combined, PERCENTAGE_COLS_TO_CONVERT)

# Step 7: Customize config_dict for each AHU
config_dict = config_dict_template.copy()

# Step 8: Run fault condition one
df_combined = run_fault_one(config_dict, df_combined)

# Step 9: Write the fault flags back to the database
update_fault_flags_in_db(df_combined, conn)

print(f"columns for {ahu}: \n", df_combined.columns)

# Close the database connection

if __name__ == "__main__":
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions examples/brick_model_and_sqlite/
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

# Connect to the SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect("brick_timeseries.db")

# Query the data
query = """
SELECT sensor_name, timestamp, value
FROM TimeseriesData
WHERE sensor_name = 'HWR_value'
ORDER BY timestamp ASC
df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)

# Convert the timestamp column to datetime if needed
df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df["timestamp"])

# Set the 'timestamp' column as the index
df.set_index("timestamp", inplace=True)

# Pivot the DataFrame to make sensor_name the columns and value the data
df_pivot = df.pivot(columns="sensor_name", values="value")

# Display the DataFrame

# Display the DataFrame
print("SQL: ", df_pivot.describe())

# Close the connection

# Just for fun see if the CSV file looks any different
csv_file = r"C:\Users\bbartling\Documents\WPCRC_July.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
print("CSV: ", df["HWR_value"].describe())

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