Ansible playbook whose aim is to save time setting up my Linux Mint XFCE machines.
Setup ansible on the host (not VM guest).
sudo -s
apt update
apt install -y python3-venv libssl-dev python3-dev
python3 -m venv /opt/ansible-2.8.5
. /opt/ansible-2.8.5/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install ansible==2.8.5
ln -sf /opt/ansible-2.8.5/bin/ansible-playbook /usr/local/bin/
Install on local machine using ansible-pull
ansible-pull -U -i local playbook.yml -K
Install on local machine using stock ansible
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i local -K
Install but skip some steps.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i local -K --skip-tags xfce,calibre,eac,spotify,multimedia,squeezeplay
Force upgrade required roles.
ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml
- Start Install Linux Mint
- English
- German - German (no dead keys)
- Install third-party
- Erase disk plus Encrypt plus LVM
- Generate Security Key in KeePass
- Berlin
- Name
<Firstname> <Lastname>
- Computer's name
- Username
- Require login
Before setting up a real machine I usually try this on up a VirtualBox (see below). Once set up I can test the ansible playbook.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i vbox -K
To easily create a new VM from scratch I use these commands. (Heavily inspired by
MEDIUM="$HOME/VirtualBox VMs/$VM/$VM.vdi"
VBoxManage createvm --name $VM --ostype "Ubuntu_64" --register
VBoxManage createhd --filename "$MEDIUM" --size 32768
VBoxManage storagectl $VM --name "SATA Controller" --add sata \
--controller IntelAHCI
VBoxManage storageattach $VM --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 0 \
--device 0 --type hdd --medium "$MEDIUM"
VBoxManage storagectl $VM --name "IDE Controller" --add ide
VBoxManage storageattach $VM --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 \
--device 0 --type dvddrive --medium $ISO
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --ioapic on
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --boot1 dvd --boot2 disk --boot3 none --boot4 none
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --memory 4096 --vram 128
# Port forwarding 3222 for ssh
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,3222,,22"
Now start the VM.
VBoxManage startvm $VM
Or start headless and connect to localhost:3389 via vnc
# enable VNC server on port 3389
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --vrde on
# set VNC password
VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --vrdeproperty VNCPassword=secret
VBoxHeadless -s $VM
Run through the installer. Set up using the description below.
Setup SSH server on the VM.
sudo apt install -y openssh-server
Setup SSH authorized keys and configure vbox
ssh-copy-id -p 3222 -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa localhost
cat >> ~/.ssh/config <<HERE
Host vbox
HostName localhost
Port 3222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
IdentitiesOnly yes
Install the guest additions.
VBoxManage storageattach $VM --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 \
--device 0 --type dvddrive --medium /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
ssh vbox
user@vbox$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media && sudo /media/
user@vbox$ sudo shutdown -h now
Now it's time to take a snapshot.
VBoxManage snapshot $VM take installer_finished
Try the ansible script. If you want to start from the previous state again run
VBoxManage snapshot $VM restore installer_finished
The following notes might help you in developing and customizing the roles.
To browse Xfce configuration use xfce4-settings-editor
You can monitor so called channels from the command line with the -m
switch of xfconf-query
xfconf-query # list all channels available
xfconf-query -m -c xfce4-desktop -v
To monitor all available channels use this one liner.
for i in $(xfconf-query); do (xfconf-query -m -c $i -v |awk '{print "'$i' " $0}' &) ;done
You can cancel monitoring by issuing
killall xfconf-query
This playbook depends on several roles.