Releases: bayosip/BluConnector
Removes report delay on bluetooth scans
- Make deviceAddress non-nullable when selecting service UUID
- Change
withActivity(@NonNull Activity activity)
towithContext(@NonNull Context context)
in DeviceScannerFactory class
- Made context dependency more flexible by using Context instead of Activity.
- Added a broadcast action to turn bluetooth on if off
- Gradle upgrade
fixed bug comparing UUID for sending instructions
IoT Library for BLE and WiFi Direct Connection and Communication
Changed void sendInstructionsToRemoteDevice(@Nullable String deviceAddress, @Nullable UUID charxDescriptor, @NonNull String instructions)
and its counterpart void sendInstructionsToConnectedDevice(String deviceAddr, @Nullable UUID charxDescriptor, byte[] data)
to void sendStringInstructionsToRemoteDevice(@Nullable String deviceAddress, @Nullable UUID charxUuid, @NonNull String instructions)
and void sendBytesInstructionsToRemoteDevice(String deviceAddr, byte[] data)
respectively, this allows for sending either string or bytes based on BLE characteristic UUID with Write Properties
IoT Library for BLE and WiFi Direct Connection and Communication
This release fixes assertion error bug crashes
IoT Library for BLE and WiFi Direct Connection and Communication
Fixed bug with ble notification/indication
IoT Library for BLE and WiFi Direct Connection and Communication
Fixed bug that occurs during default enabling of ble notifications and indications
IoT Library for BLE and WiFi Direct Connection and Communication
This update allows users to send byte array data to devices (BLE and WiFi-P2P) as opposed to only strings.