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Monglorious is a MongoDB client library which accepts textual queries in the syntax of the MongoDB shell.

Monglorious is written in Clojure. A Java wrapper is available; see below.

Build Status Dependencies Status


(execute "mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb" "db.documents.count()")
=> 9
(execute "mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb" "db.documents.find({ name: 'Alan' })")
=> ({:_id #object[org.bson.types.ObjectId 0x7acd5871 "5815c9d9b160550f0eab8868"], :name "Alan", :age 27, :score 17772})


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

Java Library

Monglorious-java provides an idiomatic Java wrapper for Monglorious.


Running Tests

Run all the tests with Midje:

lein midje

Add :autotest to watch for changes and re-run tests as the source changes.

lein midje :autotest

Building API Documentation

Codox is used to generate API documentation for Monglorious.

lein codox

This generates files in target/base+system+user+dev/doc. Copy these files over to the gh-pages branch.


Copyright © 2016-2017 Dave Bauman

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.