#Foundation Localization 3/24/2015 | Nicholas Ventimiglia | AvariceOnline.com
The localization service provides translation of UI elements and strings on demand.
- It supports csv format
- It partitions languages by folder : ie : Resources/Localization/English
- It supports multiple files : ie : Resources/Localization/English/LobbyStrings.txt
- Translate strings by asking for the key. LocalizationService.Instance.Get("key");
- Automatic update of strings using the [Localized] annotation
- Yandex translator built in (Like google translate)
- TextBinder supports uGUI
- Supports Unity3d 5
Desktop, Webplayer, Android, iOS, Windows Store
- FullSerializer is required. Located in plugin folder. (https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer)
- LocalizationService Scriptable object located in /Resources/
- Place CSV formatted Language files inside /Resources/Localization/{LanguageName}/{filename}.txt
####Example Csv File
Eamples.ExampleString1, Hello Friend
Eamples.ExampleString2, "Hello, Will you End Me ?"
Eamples.ExampleString3, My Cat is pretty lol.
##Yandex Translator Editor window is located under Tools/Foundation/Yandex Translator. Add your API key (free) (https://api.yandex.com/key/form.xml?service=trnsl), select the languages you want to support and press the button.
####uGUI Text Just slap the LocalizedText monobehaviour on the text field, select the file you want and select the key you want. Your ui text element will now be translated.
####Code Behind
/// <summary>
/// Example of how to localize your code behind
/// </summary>
public static string ExampleString = "Hello Friend";
public void Awake()
//Localizes the example string
//alt way of getting strings
var s = LocalizationService.Instance.Get("Eamples.ExampleString1");
// auto magical string updates
var s2 = ExampleString;
####Changing the language
/// <summary>
/// Example of how to change the language
/// </summary>
public void RandomLanguage()
var languages = LocalizationService.Instance.Languages;
LocalizationService.Instance.Language = Random(languages);
####Language Change Events
private void Awake()
LocalizationService.OnLanguageChanged += OnLocalization;
private void OnDestroy()
LocalizationService.OnLanguageChanged -= OnLocalization;
public void OnLocalization(LocalizationService localization)
GetComponent<Text>().text = localization.GetFromFile(File, Key, label.text);
Adding most languages is as easy as running the custom Yandex translation service. For custom languages you will need to do these steps yourself.
- Create a new Localization/Resources/{MyLanguage} folder
- Copy required csv files
- Added the language to the Static Resource language list.
- Update LanguageInfo.cs with the new language
Part of the Unity3d Foundation toolkit. A collection of utilities for making high quality data driven games. http://unity3dFoundation.com
- Tasks : An async task library for doing background work or extending coroutines with return results.
- Messenger : Listener pattern. A message broker for relaying events in a loosely coupled way. Supports auto subscription via the [Subscribe] annotation.
- Terminal: A in game terminal for debugging !
- Injector: Service Injector for resolving services and other components. Supports auto injection using the [Inject] annotation
- DataBinding : For MVVM / MVC style databinding. Supports the new uGUI ui library.
- Localization : Supports in editor translation, multiple files and automatic translation of scripts using the [Localized] annotation.
- Cloud : Parse-like storage and account services using a ASP.NET MVC back end. Need to authenticate your users? Reset passwords with branded emails? Save high scores or character data in a database? Maybe write your own authoritative back end? This is it.
- Lobby : The ultimate example scene. Everything you need to deploy for a game, minus the actual game play.
I accept donations via papal. Your money is an objective measure of my self esteem.