Back-end application focused on task management ensuring that only the task owners can manage them through a basic authorization flow.
Table of Contents
- Create users using bcrypt hashing to mask user password on database.
- Users must have unique usernames
- It's important to filter user credentials just for tasks requests.
- This data will be sent in authorization header, where the basic authorization mode is used.
- Tasks must have in maximum titles with 50 characters.
Go inside the project root and create the application image based on Dockerfile
docker build -t todolist
After the command execution
docker run -e DB_USERNAME=<username> -e DB_PASSWORD=<password> -p 8080:8080 todolist
That's all! 🎉
- Java 17 of your preference (I just use one of IntelliJ suggest me)
- Configure the variables in your environment.
DB_USERNAME=<username> DB_PASSWORD=<password>
Obs: You can just set the environment variables in your running configuration if you're using an IDE that have this feature.
git clone
By command line (if you have mvn configured on PATH)
mvn spring-boot:run
Or you can find the "Play" button in your IDE.
That's it! 🎊
- This project was built during the pre-launch of the Java course track on Rocketseat ONE by Daniele Leão.
Original structure
Oficial docs: