A provider for Pallet, to use jclouds to access many clouds.
Pallet is used to provision and maintain servers on cloud and virtual machine infrastructure, and aims to solve the problem of providing a consistently configured running image across a range of clouds. It is designed for use from the Clojure REPL, from clojure code, and from the command line.
- reuse configuration in development, testing and production.
- store all your configuration in a source code management system (eg. git), including role assignments.
- configuration is re-used by compostion; just create new functions that call existing crates with new arguments. No copy and modify required.
- enable use of configuration crates (recipes) from versioned jar files.
Documentation is available.
Pallet-jclouds is distributed as a jar, and is available in the sonatype repository.
Installation is with maven or your favourite maven repository aware build tool.
jclouds 1.2.x : pallet-jclouds-1.2.0-alpha1
jclouds 1.3.x : pallet-jclouds-1.3.0
jclouds 1.4.x : pallet-jclouds-1.4.2
:dependencies [[org.cloudhoist/pallet "0.7.1"]
[org.cloudhoist/pallet-jclouds "1.5.0-alpha.1"]]
:repositories {"sonatype"
Licensed under EPL
Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 Hugo Duncan.