This basic GameBanana App has 4 features:
- A Main page
- A Settings page
- A Navigator Tab
- A Profile Module
When you install this app (, it will appear in your profile and in your navigator. It will also appear in your Apps Library, where you can navigate to the Main and Settings pages.
When you navigate to this App's Main page, a request will be made to the Main URL specified in Test App's edit form (which is: The response is then printed in the page's main content area.
When you navigate to this App's Settings page, a request will be made to the Settings URL specified in Test App's edit form (which is: The response is then printed in the page's main content area.
When you roll over this App's Navigator Tab, a request will be made to the Navigator Tab URL specified in Test App's edit form (which is: The response is then printed in the Navigator Tab.
In your profile, you should see a module called "Test Module". The contents of this module is generated from the request made to the Profile Module URL specified in Test App's edit form (which is: The response is then printed in the Profile Module.
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