#Artist Catalog v1.0 ##Project Summary A user can search for an artist, see the releases for a specific artist, and add releases to their favourites. A user can see their favourites and update their favourites. ##Project Duration
- Start : 10/02/2017
- End : 12/02/2017
- Duration : 2 days
##Tools and Technologies ###The following tools and technologies have been used as part of this solution.
- Database - SQL Server 2014
- Framework - Web API 2, MVC
- ORM - Entity Framework 6
- Front End - Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3.6 , JavaScript , AngularJs 1.6.1
- Ninject - dependency injector for .Net
##Steps for execute this application ###The following steps should be executed for running this application Steps:
- Execute SQL Script
- Change the connection string
- Make sure to set the startup project as "ArtistCatalog.Web"
- Run the application
- Register user and login to see the "Add to book mark" link in releases page
####For the demonstration purposes, Artist and Release pages have been implemented using AngularJs and Favourite page has been implemented using MVC server side pattern and technologies.