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WMI functions available for Huawei/Honor laptops, basically available on all laptops that has PCManager.exe preinstalled.

Date: June 2024

Use at your own risk, I have no resposibility.


Setting Battery Charging Threshold to 80-85 with Administrator Powershell

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'OemWMIMethod' -Namespace 'root/wmi' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName OemWMIfun -Arguments @{u64Input=93803293775107}

Readings & Tools

Linux Driver

Huawei Battery Control (its doc in zh-cn)

WMI Explorer



WmiUtil.dll is used by PCManager.exe to talk to EC. Some functions with its ordinal in dll and opcode listed below.

Name Ordinal OpCode(hex)
BrightnessAdjust(char) 11 2306
GetAcDurationTime(int &) 15 1403
GetBiosInfo(HwSDK::WmiInputParams &,HwSDK::WmiOutputParams &) 16
GetBiosLogoAddressV2(uint &,int &) 17
GetCellBatteryVoltage(HwSDK::BatteryVoltageMode,int &,int) 18
GetDeviceBiosSwitchStatus(HwSDK::DeviceBiosSwitchNumber,bool &) 21
GetDeviceBiosSwitchStatus(HwSDK::DeviceBiosSwitchNumber,int &) 20
GetDpStatus(int &) 22 1b06
GetFanSpeed(int &,HwSDK::FanSpeedLocateNumber) 24 0802
GetFnReverseStatus(bool &) 25 0604
GetKeyboardLightTime(ushort &) 27 1206
GetNextBootType(uchar &) 29 0706
GetOsLockStatus(bool &) 30 1006
GetPdFirmwareVersion(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits,std::allocator> &) 31 0e06
GetResumeChargingFlag(bool &) 41 1303
GetSensorTemperature(int &,HwSDK::QuerySensorTemperatureIndex) 42 0202
GetSmartChargeMode(HwSDK::SmartChargeMode &) 43 1603
GetTurboMode(bool &) 45 0e04
GetVoltageOrCurrent(int &,HwSDK::VoltageCurrentLocateNumber) 46 0902
GetWorkingMode(uchar &) 47 1004
ReadMemoryTrainingData(HwSDK::TagMTData &) 48 1306
ReadPDFirmwareVersion(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits,std::allocator> &,int) 49 2506
ReadScalerFirmwareVersion(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits,std::allocator> &) 50 1e06
ReadStabilityLog(HwSDK::TagWmiLogStruct &) 51 0406
ResetTouchPanel(ulong) 52 5a06
SetBatteryChargeThreshlod(uchar,uchar) 53 1003
SetBiosLogoV2(HwSDK::SetBiosLogoValue) 54 0106
SetDpStatus(int) 55 1c06
SetFnReverseStatus(bool) 56 0704
SetKeyboardLightTime(ushort) 57 1106
SetNextBootType(HwSDK::NextBootType) 58 0806
SetResumeChargingFlag(bool) 65 1203
SetSmartChargeMode(HwSDK::SmartChargeMode,bool,int,int,int) 66 1503
SetTurboMode(bool) 67 0f04
SetWorkingMode(uchar) 68 1104
UpdatePdFirmwareVersion(void) 71 0d06

HardwareHal.dll calls GetVolageOrCurrent from WmiUtil.dll. More details in Detail section.


  1. Calling functions through ordinal in dll

    This should be the most robust method since code is always provided by manufacturer. The easiest way to do this is via csharp DllImport. Also it's easy to try via csi.exe REPL environment.

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    path = 'full_path_to_dll'
    // use stdcall or cdecl as decompiled code suggests
    [DllImport(path, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "#Num")]
    // function type inferred by IDA
    public static extern Int64 SetSmartChargeMode(int mode, char smart, char smartparam, char low, char high);
    However none of the methods could be used. Decompiling shows 2 arguments used by WMI functions are not initialized, which means they are not static methods, and should be initialized before using.
  2. Calling WMI functions through powershell

    Method Get-WmiObject used by HBC doc essentially do the same thing as the wmic.exe cli, which is deprecated since Windows 10 21H1.

    However, Cim-related commands are still available. Provided by WMI explorer, OemWMIfun is not a static method. A Cim instance is required to call this function.Here is a working example command.(Requires sudo)

    Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'OemWMIMethod' -Namespace 'root/wmi' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName OemWMIfun -Arguments @{u64Input=FULL_COMMAND}


  1. According to HBC doc, input parameter of OemWMIfun is u8Input, which is a pointer to a uint64 command. Since WmiUtil.dll version 11, input param is now u64Input, much easier to call OemWMIfun.

  2. Accoring to Linux Driver, 1st and 2nd argument of SetSmartChargeMode are unknown. Decompiled code shows 2nd argument is 0x48 when 1st argument selected from [1,2,3]. The most possible interpretation should be the default charging profiles on windows and the remaining battery longevity.

  3. Calling SetResumeChargingFlag doesn't change anything on my laptop. 3rd byte from this function should be 1/2 instead of 0/1. Mapping {1:1,2:0} is observed.

Command Format

Little endian, use as uint64

0x0     0x7    0xF    

Set 80-85 threshold: 0x55 50 48 01 1503 => 93803293775107

u8Output[] result. First byte {1:error/not supported,0:success}

0x0             0x7
Other function args format by tryout
Name Ordinal OpCode(hex) 3rd byte 4th byte
GetFanSpeed(int &,HwSDK::FanSpeedLocateNumber) 24 0802 0/1 None
GetSensorTemperature(int &,HwSDK::QuerySensorTemperatureIndex) 42 0202 0? None
GetVoltageOrCurrent(int &,HwSDK::VoltageCurrentLocateNumber) 46 0902 **
SetFnReverseStatus(bool) 56 0704 0/1 None
SetKeyboardLightTime(ushort) 57 1106 timelo timehi
SetNextBootType(HwSDK::NextBootType) 58 0806 byte
SetResumeChargingFlag(bool) 65 1203 1/2 None
SetSmartChargeMode(HwSDK::SmartChargeMode,bool,int,int,int) 66 1503 1/2/3 72/custom
SetTurboMode(bool) 67 0f04 0/1 None
SetWorkingMode(uchar) 68 1104 byte None

From HardwareHal.dll, GetVoltageOrCurrent has following mapping.

Func arg(dec)
CurrentBattery0 48
CurrentBattery1 49
CurrentUSB1 16
VoltageBattery0 32
VoltageBattery1 33
VoltageUSB0 0
VoltageUSB1 1


WMI functions available for Huawei/Honor Laptops







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