a simple cryptogram lib used to practice, implemented some cryptogram algorithms, some encode functions, and some application of information theory
- Bacon Cipher
- Caesar Cipher
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- ElGamal
- Morse code
- RC4
- Rabin
- The Rail-Fence Cipher
- Vigenere Cipher
- chinese remainder theorem
- congruence calc
- continued fraction calc
- euler function
- Eratoshenes prime sieve
- Euclidean alg
- Fermat primality testing
- Jacobi symbol
- Modular repeat square remainder algorithm
- Miller Rabin primality testing
- polynomial calc
- prime generate
- primitive root calc
- Solovay Stassem primality testing
- Shanon coding
- Fano coding
- Huffman coding
- Markov chain in this repo: Gibberish-Detector-js