The Berkeley DeepDrive Drone (B3D) Dataset allows researchers to study implicit driving etiquette in understructured road environments. The dataset consists:
- A set of 20 aerial videos recording understructured driving,
- A collection of 16002 images and annotations to train vehicle detection models, and
- A few example scripts for illustrating typical usages.
To download the videos and annotated images, run
pip install gdown
After downloading, the full structure of the dataset repository should be as follows:
├── configs
│ ├── config_quick.json
│ └── config_refined.json
├── Dockerfile
├── videos
│ └── <20 mp4 files>
└── vision
├── annotations
│ ├── test.json
│ ├── train.json
│ └── val.json
└── images
├── test
│ └── <1636 jpg files>
├── train
│ └── <12700 jpg files>
└── val
└── <1666 jpg files>
We recommend running the script in a Docker container. Please follow the instructions here to install Docker and instructions here to install NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
After installing Docker and NVIDIA Container Toolkit, build the required Docker image
docker build -t detectron2:latest .
To inspect and edit the annotations, please use the open source image annotation tool CVAT. Note that the training dataset might need to be split into several smaller datasets for it to be properly parsed by CVAT.
To train a vehicle detection model using the annotated images, one could use the Detectron2 library.
The example
script is provided to show how to use Detectron2 to train for a vehicle detection model.
To run the trainer script, open a docker container and run
docker run --shm-size 16G -p 8899:8888 --rm --gpus all -it -v [path/to/b3d]:/data -w /data detectron2 bash
# Use config_refined.json for better accuracy
python -c configs/config_quick.json
The trained model will be saved to output/model_final.pth
Alternatively, one can skip the training by downloading a pre-trained model as follows
python --skip_videos --skip_images --pull_model
The trained model will be downloaded to output/model_final.pth
Note that this model is trained with config_refined.json
A test script
is provided to run the trained model on a sample image.
For instance, to use the test script on the image vision/images/test/01_034_01.jpg
, run
# Use config_refined.json if the model_final.pth is generated by it
python -i vision/images/test/01_034_01.jpg -c configs/config_quick.json
The result will be exported to output/out.jpg
Lastly, we provide a masking script
that crops an image according to a pre-defined polygonal mask.
The mask is expected to be made in CVAT through creating a polygon with the category name domain
For example, please download the
example mask with the corresponding
example image.
Move those files into the output/
directory and run
python --image output/example_masking.png --mask output/example_masking.xml
The masked image will be saved to output/masked_image.png
and a visualization of the mask to output/mask_overlay.png
To mask a video, simply apply the same masking to every frame of the video.
If you find this dataset useful, please consider cite the accompanying paper below:
title={Decentralized Vehicle Coordination: The Berkeley DeepDrive Drone Dataset},
author={Fangyu Wu and Dequan Wang and Minjune Hwang and Chenhui Hao and Jiawei Lu and Jiamu Zhang and Christopher Chou and Trevor Darrell and Alexandre Byen},