Understanding unstructured text data without the need to code! The HanMiner Extension of RapidMiner provides a fast and easy-to-use toolset for text processing/mining in Chinese Mandarin (Han language). It enables researchers/data analysts to extract valuable information from text with no programming knowledge required. Use it to build your own workflow for public opinion monitoring, sentiment analysis, keyword extraction for wordle, etc.
- Document reader/writer
- Processing
- Word segmentation (tokenization)
- Filtering
- Filter stopwords
- Filter tokens
- Filter documents
- Feature Extraction
- Word Count
- Keyword extraction
- Vectorizer
- Count Vectorizer
- TfIdf Vectorizer
- Doc2Vec
- Analyzing
- Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging
- Name Entity Recognition (NER)
- Translation
- Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese
- Traditional Chinese to Simplifies Chinese
- Classification
- Document classification
- Sentiment Analysis
- Clone this repository
- Open the project with Intellij. Use Java 1.8 as project SDK.
- Build the project
- Run
under the source folder
Some NLP models and functions of this project are supported by Hanlp.