Business Timesheet application built in ROR
#Ingredients Used
- Rails 4/5
- JQuery Plugins
- Custom Bootstrap - Gentelella
- Devise
- CanCanCan
- High Voltage
- Download the zipped folder
- Navigate to the project folder
bundle install
rails s
- Open
Version 1.0
- User authentication logon is enabled.
- User/Employee can submit their own timesheets
- User/Employee/Supervisor can view their reported timesheets using graph display
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Authentication LogonsUser Profile/Registration PagesTimesheet Forms to be submitted by employees/userList of Timesheets PageReport of submitted timesheetsGraph display of submitted timesheets
- ElasticSearch Global Search,
- Admin/Moderator screens/models access,
- Automation rake tasks,
- Static pages content,
- Internal articles
- Blog content
- Email panel
- Dockerise and deploy app to Heroku