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awk edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the iOnTV wiki!

There’s not much to say here beyond what’s already on the main site The main site has some setup details and so forth. The information on the site is more about the previous ‘release’ and whilst generally still relevant the source code in the master branch has moved on since then and a number of new features are now in place or beginning to take shape – including :

  • A First run assistant to get set up with channel maps etc.
  • Full download of schedule date for the next 14 days on a regular basis.
  • Season Passes are beginning to take shape, you can create them and recordings will be scheduled but conflicts will not be correctly handled (it may crash the app).

You should be able to either download the tarball of sources or clone the git repository (if you’re a git afficionado) and build directly from within Xcode (you’ll need Leopard and Xcode 3.0). You may get an error during the build from a build script that signs the binaries so that users are not asked to reauthorized the app with keychain everytime a new binary is installed and built, either adjust the script to use your own signing certificate (so your not pestered) or just drop the scripts from your builds.

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