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Out of This World Advice

This codebase supports a musical interactive sculpture called Out of This World Advice (OWA):

Important: Status of this Repository

Dear reader,

This code repository has been under active development during the evolution of OWA. The software has many parts and although heavily leverages modern Node.js development practices, its integration with SuperCollider leaves the developer experience with much to be desired.

Please do reach out if you are working with this code: colin [at]

Software Architecture


Directory Structure

  • ansible/: Contains Ansible playbooks and roles for configuring and deploying Raspberry Pi
  • arduino/: Code for deployment onto Arduino for handling button inputs, handles de-bouncing and discrepancies between specific piezos
  • docs/: PlantUML diagrams of system architecture and data models
  • gui/: An Electron application to simulate button presses for development
  • notebooks/: SuperCollider scratch pads for development
  • physical/: Model files for 3d printed button mold, laser cut pieces for the totem, etc.
  • quarks/owa/: OWA SuperCollider package, all production SuperCollider code is contained here
  • sounds/: All sound resources go in this directory
  • src/: Top-level directory for Node.js source code
  • test/: Top-level directory for tests of Node.js source code


Install these manually:

Esoteric Dependencies

These are installed with yarn or Quarks.install (steps below), they are noted here for reference.

Dev Setup

Download the sounds (Note: this will only work from a commit where sounds were published from):


Install the SuperCollider dependencies:


Install the Node.js dependencies:


Install owa_env:

cp owa_env_example owa_env

Update variables for your dev instance.

Install .supercollider.yaml:

cp .supercollider.yaml_example .supercollider.yaml

Update variables for your SuperCollider installation.

Install the GUI deps:

cd gui && yarn

Running GUI

cd gui/
source ../owa_env && npm run start

Running in dev mode

source owa_env && npm run start_dev

Unit Tests

$ npm run test


Install remote Ansible roles:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r ansible_roles.yml

Set your ansible/hosts files with your deployment machine's hostname.

$ ansible-playbook ansible/site.yml

Raspberry Pi

A few notes on managing a Raspberry Pi post-deployment on the owapi wiki page.