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This repository contains the source code, datasets, and documentation for Casey Dunn's Phylogenetic Biology course (Biology 1425) at Brown University.
Phylogenetic Biology
Spring 2016
Brown University
Professor: Casey Dunn
Time: Spring 2016, Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00PM-2:50PM
Location: First floor conference room, Walter Hall (80 Waterman St.)
Contact: [email protected]. Please prefix the subject line of e-mails related to the class with “phylobio:”
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30am-12:00pm, Walter Hall (80 Waterman St.) Room 301
Enrollment is capped at 16 students. To be considered for a spot, please fill out this form.
Phylogenetic Biology is the study of the evolutionary relationships between organisms, and the use of evolutionary relationships to understand other aspects of organism biology. This course will survey phylogenetic methods, providing a detailed picture of the statistical, mathematical, and computational tools for building phylogenies and using them to study evolution. We will also examine the application of these tools to particular problems in the literature and emerging areas of study.
Most weeks, there will be a lecture on Tuesday and a combined paper discussion and lab on Thursdays. Papers and lab exercises will be posted on this syllabus at least a week in advance.
Students are expected to have taken classes in:
Statistics (eg Biol 0495)
Evolutionary Biology (eg Biol 0480, 0410, 0430, 1430, 1485)
Exceptions will be made if students can demonstrate proficiency in these areas, or in closely related ares such as computer science and math.
Final Project, 40% . Each student will conduct their own phylogenetic study, which could include development of a new method, reconstructing the phylogeny of a particular group of organisms, examining the evolution of one more more characters on a tree, or examination of the behavior of a particular method. The final project will be developed and submitted as a shared git repository forked from a standard template. The professor and other students will review the project as it is developed so that it can be iteratively improved, tested, and refined. At the end of the course, each student will make a 10 minute presentation summarizing their work.
Analysis assignments, 25% . There will be several analysis assignments provided as git repositories. These will provide you with the opportunity to apply your new skills to example datasets.
Class participation, 15% . Attendance and participation in class discussions will be taken into account.
Discussion leader, 20%. Students will lead discussions of papers that describe particular methods and applications. They are expected to summarize the methods and results of the paper, tie the paper to other topics covered in class, and lead a discussion that examines its strengths, weaknesses, and implications. The prepared presentation should last about 20 minutes, and will be followed by discussion for about 20 minutes. Each student will present 2 papers, either solo or in collaboration with other students.
Required:. Baum, D. and Smith, S. (2012). Tree Thinking. An Introduction to Phylogenetic Biology. Roberts Publishers. Required. This text covers many of the principles of tree thinking and phylogenetic methods.
Suggested:. Haddock, S. H. D. and Dunn, C. W. (2010). Practical Computing for Biologists. Sinauer Associates. You will perform a variety of phylogenetic analyses, which will require running programs at the command line and editing text files. If you are not familiar with these skills already, this book will provide the necessary background.
Primary literature. Scientific papers from the primary literature are a critical component of this course. These will be assigned over the course of the semester as they are selected by students and the professor.
The assignments and final project will require that you have access to a computer running Unix or Linux. If you have an Apple Mac or a computer with Linux installed, you are already set. If your computer runs Microsoft Windows you have a couple options. You can run your analyses in a computer lab with Apple Macs or Linux computers, use a raspberry pi (several will be available), or you can install Linux on your windows computer within a virtual machine.
We will also use Brown's high performance computing cluster Oscar for computationally intensive analyses.
Specific computational skills we will teach and use include:
- The command line (bash) and simple shell scripts
- Text manipulation (data, code, and prose)
- Introductory data analysis in R
- git, a version control tool and so much more. In combination with github, we will use git to store and share files, track changes to files, provide feedback to each other, back up files, move files, and disseminate our work.
Understanding what phylogenetic trees are
Reading phylogenetic trees
An overview of example applications
Gene trees and species trees
Tree space
Characters and homology
Multiple sequence alignment
Optimality Criteria
Heuristics for finding trees
Summarizing trees
Measuring tree support
Dating trees
Models of molecular evolution
Calculating the likelihood of a tree
Bayesian inference
Relationship between Bayesian and likelihood approaches
Models of morphological evolution
Designing a phylogenetic study
Taxon and character sampling
Missing data
Sources of systematic error
Common scenarios
KH Test
SH Test
Other tests
Reconstructing discrete and continuous characters
Testing evolutionary scenarios
Characterizing patterns of character evolution, including phylogenetic signal
Examining the co-evolution of multiple characters, including independent contrasts
Accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty
Incomplete lineage sorting
Project design
Sequence assembly
Identifying homologs
Identifying orthologs
Simultaneous estimation of gene trees and species trees
- Final Project presentations
You will use the following programs to work with phylogenies on your laptop. We will use computationally intensive programs, such as raxml and mrbayes, on the cluster.
Mesquite. Mesquite will require that you also install Java. OS X will prompt you to install Java when you launch mesquite, if you don't already have java installed. You can install Java on Microsoft Windows from the Java site
##External links
The following sites have a wide variety of material that is relevant to the theory and and practice of phylogenetic biology.
An extensive list of tools, tutorials, and examples of phylogenetic tools in the programming language R maintained by Briam O'Meara: CRAN Task View: Phylogenetics
The Workshop on Molecular Evolution at Woods Hole. This is an intensive summer course on phylogenetics, with an emphasis on building phylogenetic trees. Check out the faculty pages for lecture pdfs: Workshop on Molecular Evolution
The Applied Phylogenetics Workshop in Bodega Bay. This is another summer course on phylogenetics, but with a bit more emphasis on using phylogenies to test evolutionary questions: Applied Phylogenetics Workshop
The site for the book I co-authored with Steve Haddock, Practical Computing for Biologists: Practical Computing
Here are some of the appendices from the book, which summarize frequently used commands: Appendices
Documentation and resources for Oscar, the computer cluster we will use for our analyses: Oscar
The following resources provide additional background.
Paradis, E. (2011) Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R. Springer
Felsenstein, J. (2004) Inferring phylogenies. Sinauer Associates.
Swofford, D. L., Olsen, G. J., Waddell, P. J., & Hillis, D. M. (1996). Phylogenetic inference. In: Molecular Systematics, Second Edition. eds: D. M. Hillis, C Moritz, & B. K. Mable. Sinauer Associates
Here are some papers that illustrate interesting applications for phylogenetics, key concepts, and methods. Many papers on this list were compiled by Felipe Zapata. We will draw from some of these for reading in the class.
De Queiroz K: Species concepts and species delimitation. Syst. Biol. 2007, 56:879–886.
Drummond AJ, Ho SYW, Phillips MJ, Rambaut A: Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence. PLoS Biol. 2006, 4:e88.
Gire SK, Goba A, Andersen KG, Sealfon RSG, Park DJ, Kanneh L, Jalloh S, Momoh M, Fullah M, Dudas G, et al.: Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak. Science 2014, 345:1369–1372.
Guang A, Zapata F, Howison M, Lawrence CE, Dunn CW: An Integrated Perspective on Phylogenetic Workflows. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2016, 31:116–126.
Heath TA, Zwickl DJ, Kim J, Hillis DM: Taxon sampling affects inferences of macroevolutionary processes from phylogenetic trees. Syst. Biol. 2008, 57:160–166.
Hillis DM, Huelsenbeck JP, Cunningham CW: Application and accuracy of molecular phylogenies. Science 1994, 264:671–677.
Holder M, Lewis PO: Phylogeny estimation: traditional and Bayesian approaches. Nat Rev Genet 2003, 4:275–284.
Huelsenbeck JP, Ronquist F, Nielsen R, Bollback JP: Bayesian inference of phylogeny and its impact on evolutionary biology. Science 2001, 294:2310–2314.
Huelsenbeck JP, Hillis DM: Success of Phylogenetic Methods in the Four-Taxon Case. Syst. Biol. 1993, 42:247–264.
Knowles LL: Statistical Phylogeography. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2009, 40:593–612.
Maddison WP: Gene Trees in Species Trees. Syst. Biol. 1997, 46:523–536.
Asynchronous Diversification in a Specialized Plant-Pollinator Mutualism
Exceptional Convergence on the Macroevolutionary Landscape in Island Lizard Radiations
The Role of Geography and Ecological Opportunity in the Diversification of Day Geckos (Phelsuma)
Patterns of Variation in Levels of Homoplasy
Locating evolutionary precursors on a phylogenetic tree.
Tempo and mode of evolutionary radiation in iguanian lizards.
Independently evolving species in asexual bdelloid rotifers.
A likelihood framework for inferring the evolution of geographic range on phylogenetic trees.
Inferring rates of change in flower symmetry in asterid angiosperms
Exploring the Phylogenetic Structure of Ecological Communities: An Example for Rain Forest Trees.
Species coexistence and the dynamics of phenotypic evolution in adaptive radiation
An Integrative Method for Delimiting Cohesion Species: Finding the Population-Species Interface in a Group of Californian Trapdoor Spiders with Extreme Genetic Divergence and Geographic Structuring
Using heterochrony to detect modularity in the evolution of stem diversity in the plant family moringaceae
Insights on the evolution of plant succulence from a remarkable radiation in Madagascar (Euphorbia).
Articulating “Archiannelids”: Phylogenomics and Annelid Relationships, with Emphasis on Meiofaunal Taxa
Poor Fit to the Multispecies Coalescent is Widely Detectable in Empirical Data
Source identification in two criminal cases using phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 DNA sequences
Please check the schedule a week in advance for revisions.
Week | Date | Topic | Reading |
1 | 1/28/2016 | Introduction to tree thinking | B&S chapters 1-3 |
2 | 2/2/2016 | Introduction to phylogenetic inference: tree space, optimality criteria, and searching. lectures/Lecture_2.pdf |
B&S chapters 4,6,7 |
2 | 2/4/2016 | Lab: Getting around at the command line, logging in to remote computers. | Haddock and Dunn chapters 4-5,20, pages 383-396 |
3 | 2/9/2016 | Maximum likelihood. lectures/Lecture_3.pdf , lectures/Lewis_Likelihood.pdf |
B&S chapters 8; Holder and Lewis 2003 |
3 | 2/11/2016 | Lab: Working with git, siphonophore16s exercise | Handout (provided in previous week) |
4 | 2/16/2016 | Maximum likelihood continued, summarizing tree sets, bootstraps | Look over last week's reading |
4 | 2/18/2016 | Phylogenetic Ecology, led by Alex Damian Serrano | Verdú and Pausas 2007, Bellec et al. 2014 |
5 | 2/23/2016 | No class - President's Day | |
5 | 2/25/2016 | Maddison 1997 | |
6 | 3/1/2016 | Bayesian phylogenetics | no new reading |
6 | 3/3/2016 | Seidman:Gire et al. 2014 | |
7 | 3/8/2016 | Multiple sequence alignment, exotic models, distance, methods, consistency. Lecture: lectures/Lecture_6.pdf |
Nunez: Tan et al. 2015 |
7 | 3/10/2016 | Nunez and Carter: Hohna et al 2014; Sano: Chiara et al 2012 | |
8 | 3/15/2016 | TBD | |
8 | 3/17/2016 | Bayesian lab | |
9 | 3/22/2016 | Testing Phylogenetic Hypotheses. lectures/Lecture_8.pdf |
B&S chapter 9; Thomas: Bergsten et al. 2013 |
9 | 3/24/2016 | Napoli and Subramanian: Brusatte and Carr 2016; Michael: Brastianos et al. 2015 | |
10 | 4/5/2016 | Using phylogenies to study character evolution. lectures/Lecture_9.pdf |
B&S chapter 10; Moeglein:Felsenstein 1985 |
10 | 4/7/2016 | Lab: Independent contrasts with ape and R. Work through analyses/independent_contrasts.pdf |
11 | 4/12/2016 | Phylogenies in time. | B&S chapter 11; Bonacorsi and Carter: Nagalingum et al 2011; Napoli and Subramanian: Harmon et al 2003 |
11 | 4/14/2016 | Seidman:Ruder et al. 2013; Neil: Gagneux 2012 | |
12 | 4/19/2016 | TBD | Moeglein and Bonacorsi: Pease et al 2016; Neil: Teeling et al. 2005 |
12 | 4/21/2016 | Thomas and Sano: Hendriksen et al 2011; Sannerud: Heath et al. 2008 | |
13 | 4/26/2016 | Phylogenetic project design. lectures/Lecture_7.pdf |
Hydra phylogeny |
13 | 4/28/2016 | Michael:TBD Sannerud: Guang et al. 2016 | |
14 | 5/3/2016 | TBD | |
14 | 5/5/2016 | ||
5/10/2016 |
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