Imagine The cool Spaces Lounge, for twitter spaces. An exclusive place where you can find The Upcoming Twitter Spaces.
- Get a curated list of creators that you're interested in.
- Find what interests you by easily filtering through tags and topics.
- Get to speak on spaces with topics that interests you.
- For Hosts- Find Speakers easily and grow your audience.
Spaces Lounge is built using the following technologies:
- Frontend - Next.js
- CSS Framework - Tailwind CSS
- Design & Prototype - Figma
Fork the project.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone<your-github-username>/spaceslounge.git
Navigate to the cloned directory:
$ cd spaceslounge
Install dependencies:
$ yarn
There is also next-themes being used and it might give error, in that case:
$ yarn add next-themes
Run the project
$ yarn dev
Spaces Lounge is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Any contributions you make are truly appreciated.
- To make a contribution to documentation, code or design please follow the contributing guidelines
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