This simulator uses the bicycle model to simulate the motion of the av1tenth vehicle.
Run the command below to start the simulator with RViz (after building and sourcing)
ros2 launch av1tenth_sim
To use the class teleop project with the simulator, include the remappings options in the launch file for the teleop node.
teleop = Node(
('/vehicle_command_ackermann', '/simulator/vehicle_command_ackermann')
All MessageTypes used are standard ROS messages and their specifics can be found by a google search.
Format | Message Type | Name |
Subscription | AckermannDriveStamped | /simulator/vehicle_command_ackermann |
Format | Message Type | Name |
Publisher | PoseStamped | /simulator/utm_pose |
TransformBroadcaster | TransformStamped | /tf2 |
If you want to start this simulator from a ROS 2 launch file, then use the sample code below.
Note: If you specify 'utm_local' for the output_coordinates, you must provide a static transform publisher between 'utm' and 'utm_local'.
simulator = Node(
package = 'av1tenth_sim',
executable = 'simulator',
output = 'screen',
parameters = [
'initial_position': [29.967755, -85.472341], # Lattitude, Longitude
'initial_heading': 10.0, # Degrees from east
'veh_sim.sim_time_step': 0.02, # seconds
'veh_sim.output_coordinates': 'utm', # either 'utm' or 'utm_local'
'veh_sim.track': 0.1937, # meters
'veh_sim.kingpin_width': 0.1524, # meters
'veh_sim.wheelbase': 0.3143, # meters
'veh_sim.steering_motion_delay': 2.0, # steering rate (rad/s)
'veh_sim.steering_signal_delay': 0.0, # seconds
'veh_sim.speed_delay': 2.5, # acceleration (m/s^2)
'veh_sim.position_feedback_noise': 0.002, # standard deviation (meters)
'veh_sim.velocity_feedback_noise': 0.04, # standard deviation (m/s)
Here is an example of specifying the 'utm' to 'utm_local' transform in a launch file.
import utm # Place this at the top
reference_point = [29.967765, -85.472428]
easting, northing, _, _ = utm.from_latlon(latitude=reference_point[0], longitude=reference_point[1])
tf = Node(
arguments = ['--x', str(easting), '--y', str(northing), '--frame-id', 'utm', '--child-frame-id', 'utm_local']
If you want to load the parameters using a params.yaml file you can use the sample below.
Note: If you specify 'utm_local' for the output_coordinates, you must provide a static transform publisher between 'utm' and 'utm_local'.
/**: # Matches what ever calls it. Only for single node param files
initial_position: [29.967765, -85.472428] # Lattitude, Longitude
initial_heading: 10.0 # Degrees from east
sim_time_step: 0.02 # seconds
output_coordinates: 'utm' # either 'utm' or 'utm_local'
track: 0.1937 # meters
kingpin_width: 0.1524 # meters
wheelbase: 0.3143 # meters
steering_motion_delay: 0.698132 # steering rate (rad/s)
steering_signal_delay: 0.0 # seconds
speed_delay: 0.5 # acceleration (m/s^2)
position_feedback_noise: 0.002 # standard deviation (meters)
velocity_feedback_noise: 0.0 # standard deviation (m/s)