Lecture on Data Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover
This lecture is build upon the DS100 Lecture at Berkley, which is available under a CC BY-NC-SA license. We thank the DS100 team to personally approve that we can use their material. We checked, modified, extended and re-arranged the material s.t. it fits to the needs of the students at the Leibniz University Hannover. All our modifications are again available under CC BY-NC-SA.
All pdfs are automatically generated by GitHub Actions. Please click on "Actions" and choose the PDF slides your are interested ones. For each week, we offer the slides in chunks. In addition, each weak is also merged into a single PDF.
In terminal:
sudo apt-get install texmaker
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install texlive-lang-german # for installing ngerman package for babel
sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra
Manually install:
- Cascadia (Mono) (on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install fonts-cascadia-code
Parts of the material was created by DS100 at Berkly (also under CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA) and further modified by us.
Marius Lindauer [email protected]