⚛️ quantum computing technology starts a new exciting era in humanity, combining quantum mechanics, security, artificial intelligence, and computing technologies.
⚛️ once quantum computers become available, some of the main asymmetric algorithms used in cryptography will no longer be safe.
⚛️ the purpose of this repository is to keep a list of high-quality curated resources on the current state of quantum computing hardware and software, and its implications for post-quantum cryptography.
- quantum computing
- quantum supremacy
- quantum software
- quantum hardware
- quantum machine learning
- the nisq era
- post-quantum crypto
- for blockchains
- DEF CON 23 talk on hacking quantum computing
- graduate book on quantum information
- graduate book on quantum field theory
- whitepaper on "the study of the potts model, tutte and chromatic polynomials, and the connections with computation complexity and quantum computing"
- handwritten notes on topological quantum field theory (and the chern-simons theory)
- quantum teleportation demo in cirq
- curiee, a former 501(c)(3) for hackers to learn qc