Its a bash script, for god's sake,
git clone
the repo and chmod +x
the script.
git clone
cd nixpm
chmod +x ./
This is the fun version of the setup.
No need for git cloning this repo. Instead, you'll edit the flake.nix
file on your home-manager
inputs = {
nixpm.url = "github:auth-xyz/nixpm";
outputs = { nixpkgs, home-manager, nixpm, ... }:
the two things here
in {
homeConfigurations thing {
inherit pkgs;
modules = [ ./home.nix ];
extraSpecialArgs = { inherit nixpm; };
Basically, add the nixpm.url
to inputs, add nixpm
to outputs, and the extraSpecialArgs.
now moving to home.nix:
Almost the same thing, but in the first line
#{ config,pkgs,...} # you'll add nixpm, so
{ config, pkgs, nixpm, ... }:
# ... the rest of your home
home.packages = with pkgs; [ nixpm.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.nixpkg ];
And then, rebuild your home-manager. And you have nixpm installed.
./ packages here separated by spaces # this will go to .config/home-manager/
sudo ./ same thing as above # but the packages will be sent to /etc/nixos/
# ^-- basic usage -r/--remove <packages>
-a/--add (default) <packages>
Feel free to contribute in any way you'd like, just make a PR. If you have any questions on how to use the source code/edit the code dm me on Discord <actually.auth>