- 📦 django-lexpy - A Django package to help you organize your texts and languages in a simple way with short keys (2024).
- 🎮 Enigma da Forca - A hangman's game based on Paranormal Order RPG (2024).
- 🎮 Numove - A website that calculates how many seconds you've spent with your mouse idle (2024).
- 🎮 Conexão Paranormal - Puzzle game based on Paranormal Order RPG (2023/2024).
- 🎮 Ordle - Guessing game based on Paranormal Order RPG (2024).
- 🎮 Memória Paranormal - Memory game based on Paranormal Order RPG (2023).
- 🎮 Gamific API - API for a gamification platform created as an academic project (2022).
- 💬 Assistente de Voz - A voice assistant system to help visually impaired people use computers in Brazilian Portuguese, created as my TCC project (2022).
- 🌐 Discord Login Clone - Basic Discord login clone with only HTML and CSS (2022).
- 👋 Hi, I'm @audreyteles.
- 🌱 I currently delving into Python development and Artificial Intelligence.
- 🌎 I would like to share my knowledge with the community.
- 📫 Contact e-mail: [email protected].