This Laser InfraRed Game is an Arduino-made project which consist of a 3D printed weapon (a bit looking like the Rick's portal gun) and a few basics components. This LIR Game is highly customisable and is really cheap. You can play with up to 10 players and you shot someone at 5 meters in daylight.
- Core
- Arduino Nano
- Tailor-made PCB
- Communications
- nRF24l01+ (2,4GHz)
- YIRTM IR Transmitter
- Interface
- SSD1306 128x64
- Piezo Buzzer
- Laser (+220Ohm Resistor)
- Button (using internal pullup)
- Power
- StepUp 3.3v to 5v
- 3000mAh 3.7v Battery
- MicroUSB battery circuit charger
- Key power switch
Available under LIR_prgm/lib
- Screen
- Wire
Adafruit_SSD1306Adafruit_GFX- SSD1306Ascii (lighter RAM usage)
- nRF24l01
- nRF24l0
- RF24
- Others
- Thanks
to emilv ArduinoSort Gitto Adafruit SSD1306 Git / GFX Git- to greiman SSD1306Ascii Git
- to nRF24 nRF24l01 and RF24 Git
Rx IR --- TX 31 | | VIN
Tx IR --- RX 30 | | GND --- GND IR & nRF24 & Screen
RST 29 | | RST 29
GND | | 5V --- VCC IR + Laser (220 Ohm)
D2 32 | | A7 22
D3 1 | | A6 19
CE nRF24 --- D4 2 | Arduino | SCL 28 --- SCL Screen
CSN nRF24 --- D5 9 | Nano | SDA 27 --- SDA Screen
Piezo --- D6 10 | V3 | A3 26
D7 11 | | A2 25
D8 12 | Old | A1 24
Trigger button --- D9 13 | Bootloader | A0 23
D10 14 | | AREF 21
MOSI nRF24 --- D11 15 | | 3V3 --- VCC nRF24 & Screen
MISO nRF24 --- D12 16 | | SCK 17 -- SCK nRF24
Gerber files available in PCB folder
- nRF24 working
- IR working
- Screen working
- Configuration
- Can change different inGame parameters
- Can change default parameters
- Can change ID
- Can change nRF24l01 channel
- Can send configuration data
- in Game
- Aim and shot
- Get shot
- Manage timed games
- Display timed
- Display score
- Ending
- Can calculate positions
- Can send positions to all weapons
- Bonus : Zelda Music
- Electronics
- Autonomous power (battery powered)
- Charging circuit
- Secured startup
- Design
- Enclosure design
- Printed design
Can't use 128*64 pixels because lib takes too much memory and it looks like one of my screen get used to 32 pixels...- Annoying screen clearing process