git remote add deploy ssh://[email protected]/home/python/pod/repos/attenHome.git
Push to deploy master to deploy changes automatically.
The base-url is
Available at
GET to this adress to get a list of all houses. Query parameters are taken as for example ?name=exampleName POST to this adress to create a new house. Required body value is name.
Available athttp:// where id is the id of a house.
GET to this adress to get a specific house. PUT to this adress to update all values of this house. DELETE to this adress to delete the house and all related objects.
Available at
GET to this adress to get a list of all rooms. Query parameters are taken as for example ?houseId=ID POST to this adress to create a new room. Required body value is name and houseId.
Available at where id is the id of a room.
GET to this adress to get a specific room. PUT to this adress to update all values of this room. DELETE to this adress to delete the room and all related objects.
Available at
GET to this adress to get a list of all devices. Query parameters are taken as for example ?roomId=ID POST to this adress to create a new device. Required body value is name, roomId and type that is part of devices = [lamp].
Devices has individual values that can be set. The values powered {Boolean}, powerConsumption {Number} is available on all devices.
Lamp has a special value dimmer {0,100}.
Available at where id is the id of a device.
GET to this adress to get a specific device. PUT to this adress to update all values of this device. DELETE to this adress to delete the device.