This ROS-gRPC bridge is intended to connect a roboRIO running Java and a ROS subsystem running Python on an FRC robot.
The supported message types are:
Install the grpcio-tools package with:
pip install grpcio-tools
Generate the gRPC python stubs with:
make py-stubs
Regenerate the python stubs whenever changes are made to the src/main/proto/rosbridge_service.proto file.
The ros-grpc-bridge jar files are published to
Add the JitPack repository and dependecy to your root build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.athenian-robotics:ros-grpc-bridge:1.0.9'
Add the JitPack repository and dependecy to your pom.xml:
- Create a dev branch.
- Make the release changes in the dev branch.
- Update the version string in pom.xml and
- Create a PR and squash and merge the changes in dev into the master branch.
- Create a release on and assign it a tag, which should match the version string above.
- Goto and lookup the athenian-robotics/ros-grpc-bridge repo and click on Get it for the new release tag to generate a build.