1.0.0 (2023-01-18)
Bug Fixes
add lint and update packagejson build script (8a18e66 )
change isOfType to method (8b6d026 )
convert static to instance methods (4d3cd45 )
export types (aa4c6ce )
formatting and variable name for customKeys in class constructor (9e530d1 )
implementation of adding custom keys to a problem object (a954331 )
implementation of copying problem object (1224cba )
imports (12fe42a )
imports in tests (7c7a65c )
rebuild constructor (8182852 )
remove async (4ee9a5d )
remove static bugs (671944b )
remove stringification feature (83b4ace )
remove stringification feature (fbebb83 )
remove stringification feature (1651e65 )
remove tests for stringifications (40ff545 )
remove type/problem (e507616 )
remove unnecessary this (3476ede )
remove unnecessary this from toJSON method (77b0122 )
remove unused alias (9aa9b71 )
rename httpObject to HttpObject (96c5ba0 )
rename to type/index (ba5231c )
static function to create problem classes. (d3ad4cc )
update copy tests (a990052 )
update copy tests (e6a36c3 )
update event name in workflow (e8adc19 )
update license and readme (0d4b3ad )
update tests (e36aabb )
update type (f3beba5 )
use errorUrlPrefix (a61264f )
add tests and github action file (2289f6d )
add toJSON static function in AsyncApiProblem class (3a43ab3 )
add update, isOfType, and toJSON methods (0b06364 )
add workflow (cbc3834 )
add workflow for releasing and testing (ccf27e7 )
create AsyncApiProblem Class (b1a917d )
create problem type (4b56d50 )
prepare package for first release (#13 ) (6968105 )
refactor tests and method code. (fbf15b4 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.