Releases: astuanax/funmatrix
Higher order functions
- map
- fold
- ap
- concat
Methods and properties
add - a scalar or a Matrix
additiveinverse - multiply by -1
clone - clone a Matrix
combine - combine 2 Matrices together
dimension - get the rank
dot - Calculate dotproduct of 2 Matrices
empty - Return an empty Matrix
equals - check if the Matrix deep equals another Matrix
fromArray - Creates a Matrix from an Array
getCols - Get the columns of the Matrix
getRows - Get the rows of a Matrix
getShape - Get the shape of a Matrix
hadamard - Multiply a matrix witha scalar or another matrix
identity - Returns an identity Matrix
inverse - Returns theinverse of a Matrix
isOrthogonal - Boolean indicating orhogonality
isSymmetric - Boolean indicating symmetry
lsq - Returns least square solution
lu - Returns 2 Matrices, Lower and Upper Matrix decomposition
multiply - Multiplies a Matrix with a scalar or another Matrix
ones - Fills a Matrix with 1 values
precision - REturns the precision of the calculations used in dot product
random - Fills a Matrix with random values (accepts a function)
rank - Returns the rank of a Matrix
rref - Returns the Row Reduced Echelon form
setPrecision - Allows to set the precision
solve (for b) - Solves the equation ax = b
toArray - Returns an array
transpose - Returns a tranposed Matrix
zeros - Fills the Matrix with 0 values