September 10-15 2023 – Le Perche, France
Check in is expected on Sunday Sep 10th evening and check out on Friday Sep 15th.
For specific enquiries please email Sarodia.
The main activities will be related to code sprints and scientific/technical/organisational discussions, but we should also take the advantage of having Junpeng and Bastien joining to have breakout sessions/informal tutorials on some advanced topics you'd like to learn about. Depending on the weather, we may also organise some time off during the week for a outside activity.
We have started a suggestion of activities here that you can start reviewing and possibly adding yourself to if you are interested.
To propose your own set of activities (please do!) fill up the short template so we can start brainstorming on them.
- UNIONS discussion + general science drivers
- Biswajit on research statement for postdocs
- Astrodeep organisation - Axel, Eric, Cécile, Marina, Cyrille, Alex, Camille
- Light curve focused meeting - Biswajit and Junpeng
- Debvader sprint preparation - Bastien, Junpeng, Biswajit, Eric
- Metacoaddition software preparation for release - Axel, Cyrille, Alex
- Work on SBI benchmark plots - Justine
- Knowledge transfer learning between VFX and cosmology lead by Bastien
- Using diffusion as prior for image deconvolution - Biswajit, Alex
- Debvader sprint
- Debvader sprint
- Debvader sprint and wrap up
- darkpipe session - Axel, Eric, Cécile, Marina, Cyrille, Alex, Camille, Cécile
- Wrap up