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To Do List SPA with Webpack, by Alex Muñoz.


To Do List | AstroboyReloaded

📗 Table of Contents

📖 A To Do List CRUD SPA

Add, remove, edit, and re-order your To Do List items. This app uses localStorage to save your list and it will work offline.

For future implementations, please go to the Future Features section. Click here to see the Live Demo.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • basic webpack configuration
  • HTML template.
  • Bsic CSS.
  • Render with JavaScript.
  • Save to localStorage.
  • Add and Remove a task.
  • Edit a task.
  • Check completed.
  • Delete all completed.



  • If you wish to work from this project by editing it's code:
git clone


You may add linters to ensure adhering to best practices.

1.- Create a package.json:

npm init -y


npm init

to fill up fields manually.

2.- Install all dependencies:

npm install


  • May use as a base or reference to develop your own portfolio.
  • Run
npm run watch

To auto-bundle every time you save changes.

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👤 astroboyReloaded

⭐️ Future Features

  • Drag and Drop

🤝 Contributing

Please let me know if you find any issues in this repo's code! Feel free to check the issues page.

⭐️ Show your support

If you like my work on this project, please give me a star on this repo. I would also love to read your comment letting me know what you think!

🙏 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Microverse for giving me a path to follow in this learning journey! Thanks to my mates, who walk by and share they experiences and knowledge with me during this journey: you make this experience even more valuable! Thanks to GitHub for being so awesome!

📝 License


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