Generate OpenWRT images from Nix derivations using the official ImageBuilders that are provided upstream.
For OpenWRT releases since 19.07 there is profile helper functionality that helps you find the proper image specification (target, variant) according to your hardware's profile name.
In an ideal world, OpenWRT would be built from source in many fine-grained Nix derivations. Until someone implements that (please do!), this project exists to reuse the binary ImageBuilders that are included in every OpenWRT release. They are only available for x86_64-linux hosts.
The ImageBuilder can generate new sysupgrade images with a customized set of packages and included files.
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
# use fetchurl, Hydra inputs, or something else to refer to this project
openwrt-imagebuilder = ../nix-openwrt-imagebuilder;
profiles = import (openwrt-imagebuilder + "/profiles.nix") { inherit pkgs; };
# example: find target/variant for an old Fritzbox
config = profiles.identifyProfile "avm_fritz7412" // {
# add package to include in the image, ie. packages that you don't
# want to install manually later
packages = [ "tcpdump" ];
disabledServices = [ "dnsmasq" ];
# include files in the images.
# to set UCI configuration, create a uci-defauts scripts as per
# official OpenWRT ImageBuilder recommendation.
files = pkgs.runCommand "image-files" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/etc/uci-defaults
cat > $out/etc/uci-defaults/99-custom <<EOF
uci -q batch << EOI
set system.@system[0].hostname='testap'
# actually build the image
import (openwrt-imagebuilder + "/builder.nix") config
inputs = {
openwrt-imagebuilder.url = "github:astro/nix-openwrt-imagebuilder";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, openwrt-imagebuilder }: { =
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
profiles = openwrt-imagebuilder.lib.profiles { inherit pkgs; };
config = profiles.identifyProfile "avm_fritz7412" // {
# add package to include in the image, ie. packages that you don't
# want to install manually later
packages = [ "tcpdump" ];
disabledServices = [ "dnsmasq" ];
# include files in the images.
# to set UCI configuration, create a uci-defauts scripts as per
# official OpenWRT ImageBuilder recommendation.
files = pkgs.runCommand "image-files" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/etc/uci-defaults
cat > $out/etc/uci-defaults/99-custom <<EOF
uci -q batch << EOI
set system.@system[0].hostname='testap'
in config;
} appears to be never at rest. That's why we update the hashes subdirectory daily with a Github action.
If you still encounter hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation
between these updates, update them yourself:
nix run .#generate-hashes $(sed -e 's/"//g' latest-release.nix)
If your flake.nix
has this project in its inputs
, then you can
build with your local working copy using
nix build --override-input openwrt-imagebuilder git+file:///... .#...