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A julia package for disciplined convex programming.


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Convex.jl is a julia package for Disciplined Convex Programming. Convex.jl can solve linear programs, mixed-integer linear programs, and dcp-compliant convex programs using a variety of solvers, including Mosek, Gurobi, ECOS, SCS, GLPK, through the MathProgBase interface.

Note that Convex.jl was previously called CVX.jl. This package is under active development; we welcome bug reports and feature requests.

Table of Contents


Convex.jl allows you to model and solve optimization problems by expressing them in a simple, mathematical form. It is compatible with any solver in MathProgBase, and can solve LPs, MIPs, SOCPs, SDPs, and exponential cone programs, often, without the user needing to know what these are. If your problem can be expressed while following the rules of Disciplined Convex Programming, Convex.jl will transform your problem into a standard form that can be solved using a solver of your choice. For a detailed discussion of how Convex.jl works, see our paper.

Here's a quick example of code that solves a least-squares problem with inequality constraints:

using Convex

# Generate problem data
m = 4
n = 5
A = randn(m, n)
b = randn(m, 1)

# Create a (column vector) variable of size n x 1.
x = Variable(n)

# The problem is to minimize ||Ax + b||^2 subject to x >= 0
problem = minimize(sum_squares(A * x + b), [x >= 0])

# We can also add constraints after the problem is created in the following way:
problem.constraints += [x <= 1, 0.5 <= 2*x]

# Solve the problem by calling solve!

# Alternatively, specify a solver yourself
solver = ECOSSolver() # or SCSSolver() or GurobiSolver() or GLPKSolverMIP() etc.
solve!(problem, solver)

# Status (optimal, infeasible, etc.)

# Optimal value

# Optimal value of x


Convex.jl can be installed using the command


Only the solver ECOS is installed by default. You can also add and use any solver in JuliaOpt, including GLPK, CPLEX, Gurobi, and MOSEK, for LPs or MILPs. For more information on solvers see the Solvers section below, or refer to the documentation for that solver for installation instructions.

Currently SCS is the only solver that can be used to solve SDPs and exponential cone programs, and SCS currently works only on OSX, so SDPs and exponential cone programs are only supported on OSX for now. SCS can be installed using the following commands:


You might have to restart Julia. Please file an issue in case you run into problems during installation. We'll be glad to help!

Basic Types

The basic building block of Convex.jl is called an expression, which can represent a variable, a constant, or a function of another expression. We discuss each kind of expression in turn.


The simplest kind of expression in Convex.jl is a variable. Variables in Convex.jl are declared using the Variable keyword, along with the dimensions of the variable.

# Scalar variable
x = Variable()

# Column-vector variable
x = Variable(5)

# Matrix variable
x = Variable(4, 6)

Variables may also be declared as having special properties, such as being

  • (entrywise) positive: x = Variable(4, Positive()),
  • (entrywise) negative: x = Variable(4, Negative()),
  • integral: x = Variable(4, :Int),
  • binary: x = Variable(4, :Bin), or
  • (for a matrix) being symmetric, with nonnegative eigenvalues (ie, positive semidefinite): z = Semidefinite(4).


Numbers, vectors, and matrices present in the Julia environment are wrapped automatically into a Constant expression when used in a Convex.jl expression.


Expressions in Convex.jl are formed by applying any atom (mathematical function defined in Convex.jl) to variables, constants, and other expressions. For a list of these functions, see Supported Operations below. Atoms are applied to expressions using operator overloading. Hence, 2+2 calls Julia's built-in addition operator, while 2+x calls the Convex.jl addition method and returns a Convex.jl expression. Many of the useful language features in Julia, such as arithmetic, array indexing, and matrix transpose are overloaded in Convex.jl so they may be used with variables and expressions just as they are used with native Julia types.

Expressions that are created must be DCP-compliant. More information on DCP can be found here.

x = Variable(5)
# The following are all expressions
y = sum(x)
z = 4 * x + y
z_1 = z[1]

Convex.jl allows the values of the expressions to be evaluated directly.

x = Variable()
y = Variable()
z = Variable()
expr = x + y + z
problem = minimize(expr, x >= 1, y >= x, 4 * z >= y)

# Once the problem is solved, we can call evaluate() on expr:


Constraints in Convex.jl are declared using the standard comparison operators <=, >=, and ==. They specify relations that must hold between two expressions. Convex.jl does not distinguish between strict and non-strict inequality constraints.

x = Variable(5, 5)
# Equality constraint
constraint = x == 0
# Inequality constraint
constraint = x >= 1

Matrices can also be constrained to be positive semidefinite.

x = Variable(3, 3)
y = Variable(3, 1)
z = Variable()
# constrain [x y; y' z] to be positive semidefinite
constraint = isposdef([x y; y' z])


The objective of the problem is a scalar expression to be maximized or minimized by using maximize or minimize respectively. Feasibility problems are also allowed by either giving a constant as the expression, or using problem = satisfy(constraints).


A problem in Convex.jl consists of a sense (minimize, maximize, or satisfy), an objective (an expression to which the sense verb is to be applied), and zero or more constraints which must be satisfied at the solution. Problems may be constructed as problem = minimize(objective, constraints) or problem = maximize(objective, constraints) or problem = satisfy(constraints)

Constraints can be added at any time before the problem is solved.

# No constraints given
problem = minimize(objective)
# Add some constraint
problem.constraints += constraint
# Add many more constraints
problem.constraints += [constraint1, constraint2]

A problem can be solved by calling solve!:


After the problem is solved, problem.status records the status returned by the optimization solver, and can be :Optimal, :Infeasible, :Unbounded, :Indeterminate or :Error. If the status is :Optimal, problem.optval will record the optimum value of the problem. The optimal value for each variable x participating in the problem can be found in x.value. The optimal value of an expression can be found by calling the evaluate() function on the expression as follows: evaluate(expr).

Supported operations

Convex.jl currently supports the following operations. These functions ("atoms") may be composed according to the DCP composition rules to form new convex, concave, or affine expressions.

Affine atoms

These atoms are affine in their arguments.

  • addition, subtraction, multiplication, division: +, -, /, *
  • indexing into vectors and matrices: x[1:4, 2:3]
  • k-th diagonal of a matrix: diag(x, k)
  • transpose: x'
  • dot product: x' * y or dot(x, y)
  • reshape, vec: reshape(x, 2, 3) or vec(x)
  • minimum, maximum element of a vector or matrix: maximum(x)
  • horizontal and vertical stacking: hcat(x, y); vcat(x, y)

Elementwise atoms

These atoms are applied elementwise to their arguments, returning an expression of the same size.

atom description vexity slope implicit constraint
min(x,y) $min(x,y)$ convex increasing none
max(x,y) $min(x,y)$ convex increasing none
pos(x) $max(x,0)$ convex increasing none
neg(x) $max(-x,0)$ convex decreasing none
inv_pos(x) $1/max(x,0)$ convex decreasing $x&gt;0$
sqrt(x) $sqrt(x)$ convex decreasing $x&gt;0$
square(x), x^2 $x^2$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$ none
abs(x) $abs(x)$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$ none
geo_mean(x, y) $\sqrt{xy}$ concave increasing $x \ge 0$, $y \ge 0$
exp(x) $\exp(x)$ convex increasing none
log(x) $\log(x)$ concave increasing $x \gt 0$

Vector and Matrix atoms

These atoms take vector or matrix arguments and return scalar expressions.

atom description vexity slope implicit constraint
norm(x, p) $(\sum x_i^p)^{1/p}$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$ p = 1, 2, Inf
vecnorm(x, p) $(\sum x_{ij}^p)^{1/p}$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$ p = 1, 2, Inf
quad_form(x,P) $x^T P x$ convex in $X$, affine in $P$ increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$, increasing in $P$ either $x$ or $P$ must be constant
quad_over_lin(x, y) $x^T x/y$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$, decreasing in $y$ $y &gt; 0$
sum_squares(x) $\sum x_i^2$ convex increasing on $x \ge 0$, decreasing on $x \le 0$ none
nuclear_norm(x) sum of singular values of $x$ convex not monotonic none
operator_norm(x) maximum singular values of $x$ convex not monotonic none
logsumexp(x) $\log(\sum_i \exp(x_i))$ convex increasing none


When an atom or constraint is applied to a scalar and a higher dimensional variable, the scalars are promoted. For example, we can do max(x, 0) gives an expression with the shape of x whose elements are the maximum of the corresponding element of x and 0.


A number of very simple examples can be found in the test/ directory. More sophisticated examples, along with plots can be found in the examples/ directory. Here are a few simple examples to start with:

  • Dot Product
x = Variable(2)
A = 1.5 * eye(2)
p = minimize(dot([2.0; 2.0], x), A * x >= [1.1; 1.1])
  • Matrix Variables
X = Variable(2, 2)
c = ones(2, 1)
p = minimize(c' * X * c, X >= ones(2, 2))
  • Promotion of scalar variables and constants when present with matrices
N = 20
x = Variable(1) # x is a scalar variable
y = Variable(N, N) # y is a 20 x 20 matrix variavble
c = ones(N, 1)
# We can add scalar variables to matrix variables.
# The following line is equivalent to c' * (y + eye(N) * x) * c
# Similar overloading is done in other cases
objective = c' * (y + x) * c
p = minimize(objective, x >= 3, 2y >= 0, y <= x)
  • Indexing and Transpose
rows = 6
cols = 8
n = 2
X = Variable(rows, cols)
A = randn(rows, cols)
c = rand(1, n)
p = minimize(c * X[1:n, 5:5+n-1]' * c', X >= A)
  • Sum and Concatenation
x = Variable(4, 4)
y = Variable(4, 6)
p = maximize(sum(x) + sum(y), hcat(x, y) <= 2)
  • Minimum
x = Variable(10, 10)
y = Variable(10, 10)
a = rand(10, 10)
b = rand(10, 10)
p = maximize(minimum(min(x, y)), x <= a, y <= b)
  • Norm-Infinity
x = Variable(3)
p = minimize(norm(x, Inf), -2 <= x, x <= 1)


By default, Convex.jl uses ECOS to solve SOCPs, and SCS to solve SDPs and exponential cone programs. SCS currently works only on OSX, so SDPs and exponential cone programs are only supported on OSX for now. Any other solver in JuliaOpt may also be used, so long as it supports the conic constraints used to express the problem. Currently, other solvers will be most useful in solving linear programs (LPs) and mixed integer linear programs (MILPs). Mosek AND Gurobi can be used to solve QPs.

For example, we can use GLPK to solve a MILP:

using GLPKMathProgInterface
solve!(p, GLPKSolverMIP())

You can set or see the current default solver by:

set_default_solver(GurobiSolver()) # or set_default_solver(ECOSSolver(verbose=0))
# Now Gurobi will be used by default as a solver


Currently, Convex.jl is developed and maintained by:

The Convex.jl developers also thank:

Citing this package

If you use Convex.jl for published work, we encourage you to cite the software using the following BibTeX citation:

 title = {Convex Optimization in {J}ulia},
 author ={Udell, Madeleine and Mohan, Karanveer and Zeng, David and Hong, Jenny and Diamond, Steven and Boyd, Stephen},
 year = {2014},
 journal = {SC14 Workshop on High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages},
 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
 eprint = {1410.4821},
 primaryClass = "math-oc",


A julia package for disciplined convex programming.







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