#HTML5 Canvas-based Puppet Animation Rig for Sign Language
A Javascript API for drawing a stylized human figure in a limited range of specific poses.
The API provides for full control of the hands and face and limited control of the neck and shoulders. The figure is shown from the waist up.
The goal of this project is to provide an easy to use means of delivering sign language content in a neutral, low-bandwidth form. Possible uses include:
- online sign language dictionaries or encyclopedias
- linguistic research or documentation
Feedback and pull requests are welcome.
##Basic Usage
The draw method takes a canvas, width, height, x, y and the animation channel values that define the pose.
<script type="text/javascript" src="sign-puppet.js" ></script>
<canvas id="the_canvas" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('the_canvas');
var puppet = aslfont.SignPuppet.create();
var channels = {
//animation channel values go here, for example:
hry: -0.3
puppet.draw(canvas, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, channels);
There is also an API for animating the character from the current pose to a target pose.
var animator = puppet.getAnimator();
//set up animation loop (in production use a requestAnimationFrame shim)
function () {
canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
//if omitted, 'channels' defaults to the animator object's channels
puppet.draw(canvas, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0);
100 // 10 frames per second
//after 1.5 seconds, change the pose
function () {
//animation channel values go here, for example:
hry: -0.3
1500 // 1.5 seconds
##Animation Channels
These are the default values for the animation channels:
//head and body
hrx: 0, hry: 0, //neck rotation
bx: 0, by: 0, //shoulder shift
eby: 0, ebx: 0, e0y: 1, e1y: 1, //eyebrows, eyelids
ex: 0, ey: 0, ez: 1, //pupils
ny: 0, //nose wrinkle
mx: 0, my: 0, //jaw, mouth shape
mly: 0, mlz: 0, mty: 0, mtz: 0, mcx: 0, //lips, tongue, cheeks
teeth: false, //teeth
//right hand position
rhx: 0, rhy: 0, rhz: 0, rh: 0, //location relative to head
rbx: 0, rby: 1, rbz: 0, rb: 1, //location relative to body
rax: 0, ray: 0, raz: 0, ra: 0, //location relative to other hand
rpx: 0, rpy: 0, rpz: 0, //pivot point
rrz: 0, rrx: -90, rry: 0, //rotation
//right hand pose
ri0: 0, ri1: 0, ri2: 0, ris: 0, //index
rm0: 0, rm1: 0, rm2: 0, rms: 0, //middle
rr0: 0, rr1: 0, rr2: 0, rrs: 0, //ring
rp0: 0, rp1: 0, rp2: 0, rps: 0, //pinky
rt0x: 0, rt0y: 0, rt1x: 0, rt1y: 0, rt2x: 0, //thumb
//left hand position
lhx: 0, lhy: 0, lhz: 0, lh: 0, //location relative to head
lbx: 0, lby: 1, lbz: 0, lb: 1, //location relative to body
lax: 0, lay: 0, laz: 0, la: 0, //location relative to other hand
lpx: 0, lpy: 0, lpz: 0, //pivot point
lrz: 0, lrx: -90, lry: 0, //rotation
//left hand pose
li0: 0, li1: 0, li2: 0, lis: 0, //index
lm0: 0, lm1: 0, lm2: 0, lms: 0, //middle
lr0: 0, lr1: 0, lr2: 0, lrs: 0, //ring
lp0: 0, lp1: 0, lp2: 0, lps: 0, //pinky
lt0x: 0, lt0y: 0, lt1x: 0, lt1y: 0, lt2x: 0 //thumb