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treemap v1.6

(09 Oct 2024)

This package provides the ability to draw treemaps Stata.

It is based on D3's treemap and Python's squarify algorithms.


The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.

The SSC version (v1.6):

ssc install treemap, replace

Or it can be installed from GitHub (v1.6):

net install treemap, from("") replace

The palettes package is required to run this command:

ssc install palettes, replace
ssc install colrspace, replace

Even if you have the package installed, make sure that it is updated ado update, update.

If you want to make a clean figure, then it is advisable to load a clean scheme. These are several available and I personally use the following:

ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau  

You can also push the scheme directly into the graph using the scheme(schemename) option. See the help file for details or the example below.

I also prefer narrow fonts in figures with long labels. You can change this as follows:

graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"


The syntax for the latest version is as follows:

treemap numvar [if] [in] [weight], by(variables (min=1 max=3)) 
                [ xsize(num) ysize(num) format(str) share|percent palette(it:str) colorby(var)
                  pad(list) labsize(list) linewidth(list) linecolor(list) fi(list) labcond(num)  
                  novalues nolabels labsize(num) labgap(str) addtitles titlegap(num) titlestyles(bold|italic)
                  threshold(num) fade(num) labprop titleprop labscale(num) colorprop wrap(numlist) * ] 

See the help file help treemap for details.

The most basic use is as follows:

treemap numvar, by(variable(s))

where numvar is a numeric variable, and by() is upto three string variables, ordered by higher aggregated levels to finer units. The algorithm changes the layout based on xsize() and ysize(). See examples below.

Citation guidelines

Software packages take countless hours of programming, testing, and bug fixing. If you use this package, then a citation would be highly appreciated. Suggested citations:

in BibTeX

   author = {Naqvi, Asjad},
   title = {Stata package ``treemap''},
   url = {},
   version = {1.6},
   date = {2024-10-09}

or simple text

Naqvi, A. (2024). Stata package "treemap" version 1.6. Release date 09 October 2024.

or see SSC citation (updated once a new version is submitted)


Set up the data:

set scheme white_tableau
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"

use "", clear
treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(2.5) title("Population of European countries")

treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(2.5) title("Population of European countries") noval


treemap is sensitive to changes in overall figure dimension:

treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(2) title("Population of European countries") noval xsize(4) ysize(4)

treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(4) title("Population of European countries") noval xsize(5) ysize(2)

treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(5) title("Population of European countries") noval xsize(6) ysize(1)

treemap pop, by(nuts0_id nuts1_id) labsize(2) format(%15.0fc)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="AT", by(nuts2 nuts3_id) addtitles noval labsize(2) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of Austria at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") 

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="NL", by(nuts2 nuts3_id) addtitles labsize(2) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of Netherlands at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") 

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="NL", by(nuts2_id nuts3_id ) addtitles labsize(1.3) format(%15.0fc) ///
title("Population of Netherlands at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") palette(CET L07, reverse) xsize(3) ysize(3)

treemap  pop if nuts0_id=="NL", by(nuts2_id nuts3_id)  addtitles noval labsize(1.3) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of Netherlands at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") palette(CET L10) xsize(3) ysize(3)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="NL", by(nuts1 nuts2 nuts3_id)  addtitles noval labsize(1.3) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of Netherlands at NUTS1-NUTS3 level") palette(CET L10) xsize(3) ysize(3)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="NO", by(nuts2 nuts3_id)  addtitles labsize(2) format(%15.0fc) ///
title("Population of Norway at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") palette(CET L20) xsize(3) ysize(3) 

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="NO", by(nuts3_id) addtitles labsize(2) format(%15.0fc) ///
title("Population of Norway at NUTS3 level") palette(CET L19) xsize(5) ysize(3) scheme(neon)

v1.1 updates

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1_id) addtitles format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries")

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1_id) addtitles format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") ///
labprop linew(0.02 0.1) linec(red blue)

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1_id) addtitles format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") ///
labprop linew(none 0.1) linec(red black) labs(2)

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1_id) addtitles labsize(1.6 2.5) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") ///
labprop colorprop titleprop pad(0.008) 

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1 nuts2  ) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") nolab

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1 nuts2) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") nolab pad(0.015 0.015 0.01)

treemap pop, by(nuts0) labsize(2.5) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") labprop labcond(5000000) 

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1_id) labsize(2.2) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") ///
labprop colorprop titleprop labcond(2000000) addtitles

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts2_id) labsize(2.2) format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") ///
labprop colorprop titleprop labcond(2000000) addtitles

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1 nuts2_id) linew(none 0.1 none) linec(white black white) labsize(1.4 1.8 2.4) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") pad(0.015 0.015 0.01) labprop titleprop palette(CET C6) addtitle noval

treemap pop, by(nuts0 nuts1 nuts2_id) linew(none 0.1 none) linec(white black white) labsize(1.0 1.2 1.8) ///
format(%15.0fc) title("Population of European countries") pad(0.015 0.015 0.01) titlegap(0.09) ///
labprop colorprop titleprop labcond(2000000) addtitles xsize(5) ysize(4)

v1.2 updates

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="DE", by(nuts1 nuts2 nuts3_id) linew(none 0.1 none) linec(white black white) labsize(1.4 1.8 2.4) ///
 format(%15.0fc) title("Population of Germany") pad(0.015 0.015 0.01) labprop titleprop palette(CET C6) addtitle noval fi(100 50 20)

v1.3 updates

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="DK", by(nuts2 nuts3 ) addtitles labsize(2) ///
title("Population of Denmark at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") subtitle("% of total") share

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="DK", by(nuts2 nuts3 ) addtitles labsize(2) title("Population of Denmark at NUTS2 and NUTS3 level") ///
subtitle("% of total") share noval format(%3.1f) palette(CET C7) labgap(1)

v1.4 updates

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="ES", by(nuts1 nuts3_id) addtitles labsize(2) title("Population of Spain at NUTS1 and NUTS3 level")

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="ES", by(nuts1 nuts3 ) addtitles labsize(2) title("Population of Spain at NUTS1 and NUTS3 level") ///
threshold(200000) labprop colorprop

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="ES", by(nuts1 nuts3 ) addtitles labsize(2) title("Population of Spain at NUTS1 and NUTS3 level") ///
threshold(200000) labprop colorprop fade(40) 

v1.5 updates (new label options)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) labprop

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) share labprop

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) share labprop format(%15.2f)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) share labprop noval format(%7.2f)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) share labprop noval labcond(5) format(%7.2f)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="IT", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) noval

v1.6: better label wrapping and titletyles

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="FR", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) labprop titleprop

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="FR", by(nuts1 nuts2) addtitles labsize(2) labprop titleprop wrap(0 10)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="FR", by(nuts1 nuts2 nuts3) addtitles labsize(1.8) labprop titleprop wrap(0 0 10)

Let's get rid of the dashes and plot again:

replace nuts3 = subinstr(nuts3, "-", " ", .)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="FR", by(nuts1 nuts2 nuts3) addtitles labsize(1.4 1.4 1.8) labprop titleprop wrap(0 0 12)

treemap pop if nuts0_id=="FR", by(nuts1 nuts2 nuts3) addtitles labsize(1.4 1.4 1.8) labprop titleprop wrap(0 0 12) titlestyle(bold italic)


Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.

Change log

v1.6 (09 Oct 2024)

  • wrap() now takes on a list of each layer and requires labsplit from the latest graphfunctions package (requested by Marc Kaulisch).
  • Added titlestyle() that takes on a list with options italic or bold.
  • Weights are now allowed.
  • sformat() removed. Now there is only format().
  • Major cleanup to remove a lot of redunduncies in the code.

v1.55 (10 Jun 2024)

  • Added wrap() for label wrapping.
  • Minor fixes.

v1.54 (20 Apr 2024)

  • colorby() fixed. This option now requires a variable name that determines the color order (reported by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn).
  • Minor fixes.

v1.53 (10 Apr 2024)

  • Fixed a critical bug where adding three layers was causing errors in the drawing of the second and third layers (reported by Aurelio Tobias).
  • Some minor code cleanups.

v1.52 (10 Jan 2024) (unreleased internal version subsumed in v1.53)

  • If by() variables had empty rows, the program was giving an error. These are now dropped by default.

v1.51 (24 Oct 2023)

  • Further stabilized the sort. Categories with same totals were ending up in a random order (reported by Cesar Lopez). This has been fixed.
  • Minor code cleanups.

v1.5 (22 Jul 2023)

  • Added ability to plot both values and shares.
  • sformat() option added to format shares.
  • saving() option added.
  • labcond() defaults to percentage shares if both noval and share are specified.
  • Minor bug fixes.

v1.41 (15 Feb 2023)

  • Fixed the "Rest of ..." bug.

v1.4 (22 Jan 2023)

  • IMPORTANT: The order now need to be specified from highest tier to lowest tier. This reversal in categories is (a) just logical, and (b) aligns treemap with other hierarchy packages.
  • IMPORTANT: the percent (from v1.3) has been renamed to share (v1.4). This is to align treemap with other hierarchy packages.
  • Updated defaults in labgap() to improve the spacing.
  • Fixed a bug where the children were not respecting the boundary of the parents.
  • Added a threshold() option to collapse values below the defined threshold as one category. The collapsed category is renamed to "Rest of ". If only one layer is specified, this category is renamed to "Other"
  • colorprop now fades to 10% of category color. Previously this was a light shade of grey and didn't look as nice.
  • A new fade(val) option added to change the fade value.
  • Fixed issue with numeric variables with labels not properly showing up in the labels.
  • Added the colorby(name) option to allow users to define colors by category names rather than the order defined by relative values. This option might be useful if comparing the same categories over time, especially if their ranking is changing.

v1.3 (14 Dec 2022)

  • Fixed issue with the defaults in value formatting.
  • Add percent option that shows percentage share of the total value rather than actual values.
  • Added a labgap() option that allows the distance of the labels and the values in boxes to be adjusted.

v1.21 (22 Nov 2022)

  • Removed error where duplicate values were causing categories to be dropped.
  • Stablized the sort order to prevent random trees across different runs.
  • Better variable precision and code cleanup.

v1.2 (25 Sep 2022)

  • Fill intensity control added.
  • Error checks for negative values.
  • Minor code cleanups.

v1.1 (13 Sep 2022)

  • Major update to the package
  • Scaling options added for labels, titles, and colors
  • Better checking for thresholds in how boxes are drawn
  • Several bug fixes and clean ups to the code.

v1.0 (08 Sep 2022)

  • First release.