This repository contains an example of creating Loopback applications using the new API Connect developer toolkit from IBM. It also include instructions of how to setup your environment as well as a presentation explaining the basics of loopback. The presentation also includes instructions to deploy to IBM's Bluemix cloud.
Install Node Mac and Linux
If you haven’t already done so, install Node.js.
NOTE: API Connect supports the current Node.js long-term support (LTS) version, but we expect it to run on more recent Node versions as well, though they may not yet be officially supported. Windows
Install version 3 of npm by entering the following command:
$ npm install -g npm
Then ensure the npm command uses the correct version:
$ npm -v
If the version shown is not 3.x.x, then edit your system PATH to ensure that C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm supersedes any other entries.
For more information, visit the knowledge center. Install IBM API Connect (All Platforms)
$ npm install -g apiconnect
This installs:
- API Connect Developer Toolkit, that includes the apic command-line tool and the API Designer visual tool
- LoopBack Node.js framework
- API Connect Micro Gateway