The current file works for different algorithms given bandwidth,dimensions,multipliers,nnz of the sparse matrix, matrix A off chip(sparse), matrix B on chip(dense). The type of Matrix multiplication assumed is Sparse-Dense.
From the terminal,
git clone
The parameters could be changed in the file :
- Dimensions : M,K,N = 256,256,256
- Number of NNZ in Matrix A : nnz = 256
- Algorithm used, rw for row-wise, cw for column-wise, in for inner product, op for outer product : algorithm = "rw"
- Number of multipliers : mul = 512
- Number of values every cycle (assuming compute freq = data transfer freq) : bw = 2
- Location of Matrix A (off if off chip, on if on chip) : mat1 = "off"
- Location of Matrix B (off if off chip, on if on chip) : mat2 = "on"
From the terminal go to the MATanalyze directory that contains the following files : and
After making the necessary changes to the file,
The output will contain the following information :
- Memory bound or compute bound?
- Latency
- Minimum On chip memory necessary