This sample shows how to use OpenTelemetry.Contrib.Instrumentation.AWS package (GitHub repository opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib/OpenTelemetry.Contrib.Instrumentation.AWS) to instrument the following calls in AWS SDK for .NET:
call on S3 client.ListTablesAsync
call on DynamoDB client.
The example exports spans data to Console
Complete the following tasks:
- Install .NET 6 SDK by following these steps at
- If you don't have an AWS account, create one.
- If you're an Amazon employee, see the internal wiki for creating an AWS account.
- Set up AWS Shared Credential File.
- Your
on Windows) should look like the following:[default] aws_access_key_id = <ACCESS_KEY> aws_secret_access_key = <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
- Your
on Windows) should look like the following:[default] region = us-east-2
- Your
The test code from this package uses AddAWSInstrumentation()
extension method for TracerProviderBuilder
from OpenTelemetry.Contrib.Instrumentation.AWS package. Since this is a Console application for demonstration purposes, internally it relies on .NET's Activity
types available in System.Diagnostics
namespace (specifically ActivitySource
and Activity
Following steps could be used for demonstration purposes:
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the folder where repository was cloned.
- Execute command
dotnet run --project ./OpenTelemetryTestConsoleApp/OpenTelemetryTestConsoleApp.csproj --configuration Release
to run the project inRelease
This produces the following output:
Resource associated with Metric: MyCompany.MyProduct.MyService
service.version: 1.0.0 a191b4c8-9d1a-4182-b423-69ed200c45aa
Activity.TraceId: 5c22f3104e1214f8058fc917ea1104c1
Activity.SpanId: a3761faa2093d391
Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded
Activity.ActivitySourceName: Amazon.AWS.AWSClientInstrumentation
Activity.DisplayName: S3.ListBuckets
Activity.Kind: Client
Activity.StartTime: 2022-07-27T21:34:41.7679270Z
Activity.Duration: 00:00:03.6765920
aws.service: S3
aws.operation: ListBuckets
aws.region: us-east-2
aws.requestId: 3CNM9B8AHQFZBED1
http.status_code: 200
http.response_content_length: 0
Resource associated with Activity: MyCompany.MyProduct.MyService
service.version: 1.0.0 6be77db6-7af9-4bb1-b2f5-a348bdcd37c3
Activity.TraceId: 3556a9f0f348920950c159afa16f4c9b
Activity.SpanId: 89c0321f4878de0d
Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded
Activity.ActivitySourceName: Amazon.AWS.AWSClientInstrumentation
Activity.DisplayName: DynamoDBv2.ListTables
Activity.Kind: Client
Activity.StartTime: 2022-07-27T21:34:45.4569510Z
Activity.Duration: 00:00:00.3085510
aws.service: DynamoDBv2
aws.operation: ListTables
aws.region: us-east-2
http.status_code: 200
http.response_content_length: 17
Resource associated with Activity: MyCompany.MyProduct.MyService
service.version: 1.0.0 6be77db6-7af9-4bb1-b2f5-a348bdcd37c3
Export DynamoDB.ListTables, A count of number of requests, Unit: request(s), Meter: TestMeter
(2022-07-27T21:34:41.5044230Z, 2022-07-27T21:34:45.8397100Z] LongSum
Value: 1
Export DynamoDB.ListTables, A count of number of requests, Unit: request(s), Meter: TestMeter
(2022-07-27T21:34:41.5044230Z, 2022-07-27T21:34:45.9364000Z] LongSum
Value: 2
Export DynamoDB.ListTables, A count of number of requests, Unit: request(s), Meter: TestMeter
(2022-07-27T21:34:41.5044230Z, 2022-07-27T21:34:46.0361970Z] LongSum
Value: 3