Recursively clone erl_car_localization repository in your catkin workspace.
Run Catkin build with Release version.
All the missing dependencies are built simultaneously with catkin cmake. These include abseil, fmt, glog, xtl, xtensor.
Use dsol_ros to run realtime using data from ros topic, and dsol_data to run on datasets. Check the launch file to see the configurable parameters; topic names, camera intrinsics, frame names can be modified here.
Chao Qu, Shreyas S. Shivakumar, Ian D. Miller, Camillo J. Taylor
VKITTI2 https://europe.naverlabs.com/research/computer-vision/proxy-virtual-worlds-vkitti-2/
TartanAir https://theairlab.org/tartanair-dataset/
Sample realsense data at
Calib for realsense data is
393.4910888671875 393.4910888671875 318.6263122558594 240.12942504882812 0.095150406
Put this in calib.txt
and put it in the same folder of the realsense dataset generated by the python file.
This is a ros package, just put in a catkin workspace and build the workspace.
Open rviz using the config in launch/dsol.rviz
roslaunch dsol dsol_data.launch
See launch files for more details on different datasets.
See config folder for details on configs.
To run multithread and show timing every 5 frames do
roslaunch dsol dsol_data.launch tbb:=1 log:=5
See CMakeLists.txt for dependencies.
For reproducing the results in the paper, place use the iros22
This is the open-source version, advanced features are not included.