"This is where I keep all my dotfiles. Note: Each folder doesn't contain all the files required for that specific software to run; it only contains the customizable files. The folders are present for easy navigation and organization purposes. I don't recommend that you use my setup as it is, but rather take parts of it to help achieve your dream Linux system, which is completely unique."
This is a detailed list of all the software I use on my system for daily tasks and stuff, this list won't include every software I have used or am using, it only includes the ones that I use more often or I think should be included to complete the list. It can change at any time, as it probably will because in Linux the fun part is there are so many options.
- Kernel: Linux
- Distro: Arch Linux
- Display Manager: ly
- System and Service Manager: Systemd
- X Server: Xorg
- Window Manager: dwm with the following patches:
- Layout Patches(I love to use the default ones,these layouts are for specific situations only):
- Visual Enhancements:
- Compositor: picom
- Status Bar: dwmblocks
- Lockscreen: slock
- Terminal: kitty
- Launcher: rofi
- Theme: rounded-red-dark.rasi
- Sound Server: PulseAudio
- System Information Tool: Fastfetch
- Browser: Vivaldi with the following extensions:
- Ad Blocker: AdGuard
- Enable Right Click Copy: Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy
- Clear Cache: Clear Cache
- Grammar Checker: Grammarly
- YouTube Enhancer: Enhancer for YouTube
- Volume Control: Volume Master
- Password Manager: Bitwarden
- Backup Browser: Firefox
- Multimedia Player: VLC
- File Manager: lf
- Fonts: Noto Sans
- Text Editor: Neovim with NvChad
- Theme: darkhorizon
- Volume Control: Pavucontrol for comprehensive audio management, pamixer and pactl for quick and scriptable volume adjustments.
- Notifications: Dunst
- MS-365-Electron: MS-365-Electron
- Video Editor: Shotcut
- Digital Drawing: Krita
- Image Manipulation: GIMP and Canva
- Image Illustrator: Inkscape
- DAW: Ardour
- Game Engine: Godot
- 3D Modeling: Blender
- Virtual Machine: Virtual Machine Manager
- Download Manager: uGet
- Torrent Manager: qbittorrent
- Network Manager: NetworkManager and rofi-network-manager
- Hotspot Manager: linux-wifi-hotspot
- Bluetooth Manager: Blueman
- Network Protocol Analyzer: Wireshark
- Message Broker: Apache Kafka
- Containerization Platform: Docker
- Container Orchestration: Kubernetes with MiniKube
- Monitoring: Prometheus
- Visualization: Grafana
- Embedded Systems Development: PlatformIO
- API Development Tool: Postman
- Task Management: Trello