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Please see the documentation in doc/KiD.pdf for further details.


Updated by Arthur Hu

Run cases with KiD_1mode_gam/fullmic_*m.zsh $Na $w, where $Na=initial aerosol concentration in [1/mg], $w=max vertical velocity in [m/s]. By default, this script runs four schemes sequentially (AMP-SBM, AMP-TAU, BIN-SBM, BIN-TAU) but can be changed from the scripts ampORbin and bintype. Individual microphysical processes can be turned on or off with l_nuc_cond_s, l_coll_s, l_sed_s, and l_adv_s. Output directory is set to the variable outdir. For any AMP-related question, please do not hesitate to contact Arthur Hu ([email protected]) or Adele Igel ([email protected]).


Updates for KiD version 2.1.1804+

  1. Update to a 2D driver

Version 2.X of the KiD allows for 2D flow fields to be specified. The driver can still be used as a single column as before, but now it has the option for 2D (by setting the number of horizontal gridpoints, nx). Since many of the coupled microphysics schemes require fixed dimensions, KiD must be recompiled for each different configuration (see preprocessing and build below) Please see the documentation for more details on 2D KiD.

  1. Preprocessing, build and running

(Note the following assumes gnu make)

The makefile now has a few more options and by default preprocesses all fortran source files. For a standard build of the original 1D model, once you have unpacked the model simply cd into the top level directory (NOT /src) and type

make CASE=1D all ./bin/KiD_1D.exe

This will run the model with the default namelist. By default the ifort compiler is used, to change this modify COMPILER in the top level makefile (note COMPILERS is used for building on several compilers - useful for developing new code). You can also specify this at the command line, i.e.

make COMPILER=gfortran CASE=1D all

The preprocessor directives that define the grid are passed through to the model from src/ It is recommended that you add in new definitions if wishing to run at different resolutions.

There are currently 5 different case configurations defined; 1D, SC_2D, CU_2D, ISDAC_2D, SQUALL_2D to build exectuables for them all, use

make build_cases

(again a different compiler can be specified as above). To run with all the default namelists, use

make run_cases

This should run the cases sequentially and produce netcdf files (and corresponding namelists) in output (Note that 2D cases take a lot longer to run than previous 1D cases). If you wish to exploit multiple cpus on your system (currently no OMP support in KiD), you can use the -j option, i.e.

make -j run_cases

(use the -l option to limit load on the system).

As with previous versions if your compiler allows it, custom namelists and output can be specified at the command line when running, e.g.

./bin/KiD_SC_2D.exe namelists/SC_2D.nml output/

If no command line arguments are given, default namelists will be used. If no output file is specified, the default naming convention for the output will be used.

  1. 2D Test cases

As noted above there are 4 new 2D test cases defined:

SC_2D: An eddy-pair based on Morrison and Grabowski (2007) CU_2D: A time varying convective case based on Morrison and Grabowski (2007) ISDAC_2D: Similar to SC_2D, but modified for a cold environment SQUALL_2D: A flow field designed to mimic a squall-line (similar to Slawinska et al 2009, QJRMS)

The latter two are not well tested or finalized, so are subject to change in later releases.


Arbitrary Moment Predictor in Kinematic Driver






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