A swift way of provisioning infrastructure in seconds
To get started with this tool, make sure you have the following tools on your machine:
Libvirt installed and the livbirt daemon running
qemu-img Client installed: Used for creating QCOW2 disks for system
genisoimage Used to generate cidata seed images for cloud init
cloud-init Used to configure cloud images in seconds
The user using the swift software to provision vm instances hould be part of the libvirt group.
sudo usermod -aG libvirt <user>
This software needs to create ISO9660 images, and as such, genisoimage or mkisofs is needed.
On debian:
sudo apt install genisoimage
On opensuse:
sudo zypper install mkisofs
The software stores its vm images and configs in the directory, /var/swift.
Start by creating this directory i.e (/var/swift) and give it the permission 0775 and change ownership to the user running the software.
sudo mkdir /var/swift
sudo chmod -R 0775 /var/swift
sudo chown -R <user>:<user> /var/swift
Happy Hacking