I'm Arthur—a front-end web developer working with Vue.js using typescript currently on professional projects and studying new tools like React, React native and Node JS on my personal projects. I work for 4 years professionally in the area and I am passionate about everything related to design and clean code 😎
I want to contribute to a better society, developing solutions to make life easier for everyone who uses and shares technology in their daily lives. I am always looking for new challenges in my career and I want to continue developing and contributing to the construction of effective business results 🚀
- 📫 How to reach me: Email or Linkedin
- 🔭 I’m currently working with delivery apps made with AngularJS and React
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Typescript
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am very interested and have a lot of knowledge in photography and content production aligned to digital marketing 🤓. I also like to play some FPS games like Counter Strike: Global Offensive 🎮