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Starter kit for GraphQL server and application with MongoDB as database, Lerna for monorepo, deployable to AWS Lambda, local development


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PrismaJS with TypeScript + MongoDB + Lerna + AWS Lambda + Serverless

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Starter kit for quick start with Typescript, Lerna, GraphQL and MongoDB locally and deploy to AWS Lambda + MongoDB Shared Cloud using GitHub Actions.


Checkout GraphQL with Playground deployed to AWS Lambda with MongoDB Cloud Shared:

Query example:

# Write your query or mutation here
query {
  users {


Table of Contents

Technologies used

TypeScript Lerna GraphQL MongoDB Prisma Parcel.js GitHub AWS Lambda

  • Prisma - Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM with GraphQL interface

  • MongoDB - JSON document database

  • Typescript - JavaScript with syntax for types

  • Lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages

  • GraphQL - query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data

  • Parcel.js - Parcel is a zero configuration build tool for the web. It combines a great out-of-the-box development experience with a scalable architecture that can take your project from just getting started to massive production application

  • Docker Compose - tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Its used in this project to run MongoDB database in dev environment locally. Prisma Client requires Mongo to run in replica mode, so standalone MondoDB Community Server is not enough

  • GitHub Actions - makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub

Bootstrap lerna environment

npx lerna bootstrap

It will generate Prisma Client automatically with npm postinstall script. When you modify your schema and want to test locally, then follow steps in Build Prisma Client library

Run project locally with MongoDB in Docker Compose

You will have a complete local development experience with debug and live reload using MongoDB in Docker and Prisma Client in serverless offline mode.

Start MongoDB with replica

docker-compose up -d

Run whole project in serverless offline mode with live-reload for all packages

npx lerna run --parallel start-dev

or inside packages/api

npm run start-dev

GraphQL Playground: http://localhost:3000/dev/graphql

Build Prisma Client library

With Lerna (Manually):

npx lerna run build-lib

Or from inside packages/prisma-client package you can use it directly:

npm run build-lib

or run in live-reload mode (Automatic):

npx lerna run start-dev

start-dev - you can run this script within some specific package, if you want live reload only for this one.

Run sample code

npx ts-node index.ts

Prisma Studio

start-dev script starting it Automatically, if you want to run it manually, then Inside packages/prisma-client directory run this:

npx prisma studio

MongoDB Cloud Shared (M0 clusters) configuration

You will have to add the infamous CIDR block to your MongoDB Atlas cluster IP Whitelist because you won’t know which IP address AWS Lambda is using to make calls to your Atlas database.

Deploy to AWS Lambda

I'm using GitHub Actions as CI/CD tool to deploy using Serverless Framework to AWS Lambda. But you can easily adjust it for any other CI/CD tool you prefer. Checkout .github/workflows/node.js.yml for details.

It requires secrets to be added to project Actions configuration (Repository / Settings / Secrets / Actions):



    AWS security keys. Read here


    MongoDB connection string. Get it from MongoDB Cloud admin (you can use any plan)

Warning Execute deploy commands below only if you know what you are doing and want to deploy it manually (temporary staging environment, for example, or demo purposes), then crete .env.local and override DATABASE_URL with your own and run this:

npx lerna deploy

or inside packages/prisma-client

npx serverless deploy

Connect project to Serverless Dashboard

npx serverless
