Ledger-in is an addon for the accounting software ledger. Ledger-in allows fast entry of transaction in the ledger file
There is ledger-add that performs a similar task of entry data into the ledger file, but that requires entering the exact names of the accounts. On the other hand, ledger-in can take as input partial names of the accounts and it's smart enough to determine which account to use, and if more accounts match, then it prompts the use to select the one he intended to use. Additionally, ledger-in writes in the same file, unlike ledger-add which writes the transaction in a new file.
ledger-in [-f] <description> <account-1> <ammount-1> <account-2> <ammount-2> [...]
The ledger file to use is read either from the environment variable LEDGER_FILE or passed as an argument with option -f.
The <description>
is a description of the transaction. If you want to pass a long description that contains spaces you need to surround it with double quotes. Afterwards the program takes an unlimited number of pairs of <account> <ammount>
. The last
is optional. Considering LEDGER_FILE environment variable is set and points to a ledger file, the following is
a valid use of the program
ledger-in "ATM Withdrawal" Asets:Checking -20 Assets:Cash 20
The ammount of the last account can be ommited, so the previous command is equivalent with:
ledger-in "ATM Withdrawal" Asets:Checking -20 Assets:Cash
Ledger-in is smart enough to determine the account name from a partial match. If Assets:Checking and Assets:Cash already exist in the ledger file, then the following command is similar with the previous one
ledger-in "ATM Withdrawal" checking -20 cash
If cash
does not match any existing account, then ledger-in will prompt to enter a name for it
If checking
matches multiple accounts, for example Assets:Visa:Checking and Assets:Mastercard:Checking, then ledger-in will
prompt you to choose which account to use