A single and simple playground project.
I work on this project to learn two new concepts. This application is only a playground for me to have fun and improve my knowledge over some technologies or concepts I am interested in.
Here is a small list, non exaustiv:
- Elixir
- Phoenix Framework - to handle any HTTP connection/request
- Microservice - separate the business logic into self-aware application
- GraphQL - use as database interface
- Concurrency, OTP, ... - Force asynchronious code, for the simple purpose of trying
There is no end-goal for this application.
You will find instruction to setup each parts of the project at the root of each folder.
This project is meant to be developed using Vagrant as a development environment, instead of your own personal one.
ArkAnoryn, 08.02.2017
Get credentials:
datas = Tesla.post("http://localhost:4000/api/sessions/new", Poison.encode!(%{username: "arkanoryn", password: "1234567890"}), headers: %{"Content-Type" => "application/json"}).body |> Poison.decode!
token = datas["data"]["token"]
## /!\ Do not forget the "Bearer " before the token!!! /!\
Tesla.get("http://localhost:4000/api/absences", headers: %{"Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"})