Use your ExpressLRS 2.4GHz Radio as a joystick for your PC/Mac simulator using an Arduino microcontroller and the actual ExpressLRS receiver.
To connect your radio to your favourite simulator you basically limited to the following options:
- Using USB wire
- Bluetooth Joystick
- Betaflight/FC Joystick
This project provides another wireless connectivity option with the maximum rate of 500Hz (2ms).
Microcontroller: Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21
Receiver: BETAFPV ExpressLRS Lite Receiver with Flat SMD Ceramic Antenna
Connect SAMD21 controller to the Mac via USB. Wait for the Arduino disk to mount and the yellow led to light up on the board.
Validate board interface is available:
$ ls -l /dev/cu.usbmodem*
The board is ready for the firmware upload.
The firmware requires platformio framework to be installed:
$ brew install platformio
To build and upload firmware use the following make
$ make build
$ make upload
Once upload is done, Arduino disk will be forcefully unmounted and yellow led power off. The microcontroller is now in the USB passthrough mode. In order to upload firmware again, it requires to put board to bootloader mode.
Firmware supports direct flashing from the ExpressLRS configurator using BetaflightPassthrough flashing method.
Based on the following projects: