PacMen Assignment
Project Title: PacMen Factory assignment (MITxPRO Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN Program)
Project Description: The goal of this assignment is to run the PacMen Factory game. Individual PacMan images are programmed to move at varying/random speeds/velocities bouncing against defined borders of a webpage. To start, download starter.html file and individual PacMan images (for additional context download pacmen.js solution file and view codes side by side in VS code).
Project Roadmap: Create the classic Windows bouncing ball screensaver with PacMan animations that change colors using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Contact Support: For information regarding this exercise, please contact [email protected]
License Information: This is an open-source project. This exercise is part of the MIT xPRO Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN The starter file and PacMan images were provided by MIT Coding Program as part of the assignment.