What's Changed
- CI: Update pre-commit versions by @sugetha24 in #695
- Fix: cv_validate_v3 broken with cvprac 1.4.0 due to argument keyword change by @noredistribution in #694
- Doc(cv_change_control_v3): add actions documentation by @noredistribution in #701
- Doc: Readme updates to align with new Red Hat template by @JulioPDX in #693
- Bump(requirements): Set ansible-core version 2.15.x to 2.17.x by @sugetha24 in #699
- CI: Update and fix dev requirements by @carlbuchmann in #702
- Fix(cv_device_v3): device decommissioning fails if a device is not streaming and not provisioned by @noredistribution in #700
- Cut: Remove dev containers and Ansible EE by @carlbuchmann in #708
- CI: Remove collection.yml by @sugetha24 in #707
- Fix(cv_device_v3): Allow cv_device_v3 to handle SN-based decomms by @alexeygorbunov in #705
- Doc: Updated doc with supported ansible-core version by @sugetha24 in #711
- Test: Fix v1 molecule tests by @sugetha24 in #710
- CI: Update offline link check by @carlbuchmann in #713
- Cut: Deprecate dhcp_configuration role by @carlbuchmann in #712
- CI: Bump action molecule by @ankudinov in #706
- CI: Make CI better again by @sugetha24 in #714
New Contributors
- @alexeygorbunov made their first contribution in #705
Full Changelog: v3.10.1...v3.11.0