Some useful binding behaviors for aurelia.
npm install fasting-troubadour
for requirejs based cli, add to aurelia.json dependencies:
"name": "fasting-troubadour",
"path": "../node_modules/fasting-troubadour/dist",
"main": "index"
you can also register it as a plugin in main.ts:
this is optional, it will just register all of the binding behaviors as global resources
trims leading and trailing whitespace
<require from="fasting-troubadour/trim-binding-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="val & trim" />
- if you are using aurelia-validation, be sure to place trim after validate
<!-- bad (has cause me problems in the past) -->
<input type="text" value.bind="val & trim & validate" />
<!-- ok -->
<input type="text" value.bind="val & validate & trim" />
formats number inputs after you tab away. Controls the minimum and maximum permitted values; the bound value is expected to be a number.
<require from="fasting-troubadour/formatted-number-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="dollars & formattedNumber"/>
<!-- custom format -->
<input type="text" value.bind="dollars & formattedNumber:'0.00000'"/>
<!-- custom format and min/max -->
<input type="text" value.bind="dollars & formattedNumber:'0.00000':0:1000000"/>
- numeraljs is the formatting engine
- default format is '0.00'
- you can emit an event to force the displayed value to be formatted
constrains input to only accept numeric characters. Bound value is not expected to be a number (eg a string)
<require from="fasting-troubadour/numeric-input-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="zip & numericInput"/>
constrains input to only accept alphanumeric characters.
<require from="fasting-troubadour/alphanumeric-input-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="zip & alphanumericInput"/>
constraints input to only accept alpha characters or space, apostraphe, or dash
<require from="fasting-troubadour/name-input-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="zip & nameInput"/>
- todo: accept more than english alphanumeric characters
constraints input to only above name characters or numeric characters.
<require from="fasting-troubadour/numeric-name-input-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="zip & numericNameInput"/>
constrains input to only the characters matched by the provided regex.
<require from="fasting-troubadour/custom-chars-input-behavior"></require>
<input type="text" value.bind="zip & customCharsInput:myRegex"/>
- regex is applied to each character - e.g. regex="[a-z]" will allow the entire input to be "a", "aa", "aaz", etc.
A value converter to format numbers that wraps numeraljs. You've probably seen it in every value converter tutorial you've read.
<require from="fasting-troubadour/number-format"></require>
${ val | numberFormat:'0.0000' }