Simple word-count-application using Twitter Storm.
This application count the occurence of word in Twitter's sample stream. It currently supports two types of counting
- Normal counting, with no decay or weight function. Use "nrml" as the argument.
- Forward-exponential-decay, with exponential decay function implemented using forward decay (refers to Cormode's paper). Use "fedcount decay_alpha output_frequency" as the arguments. "decay_alpha" and "output_frequency" are expected to be integer value.
To execute it, follow this step
- Setup the "storm-word-count/src/main/resources/" with your Twitter's Consumer secret, access token, access token secret and consumer key.
- If you want to execute the topology in local mode, execute using Eclipse's or your preferred IDE "execute" commands.
- If you want to execute the topology in distributed mode (i.e in Storm cluster), you need to create the executable jar file by executing this following maven command: "mvn package" from project root directory. Find the resulting jar in project_root/target folder. Submit the jar which contains "jar-with-dependencies" words in the jar name.